MAF Int - Bringing hope in Papua New Guinea | Papua New Guinea
MAF has operated in Papua New Guinea since 1951 and works in partnership with national church groups, mission groups, development and relief agencies, hospitals and other non-governmental organisations (NGOs). We currently have ten aircraft serving about 200 airstrips with help, hope and healing.
Contact - Papua New Guinea
MAF Papua New Guinea. Kagamuga Airport PO Box 273 Mt Hagen, WHP 281 Papua New Guinea. Reception +675 7373 9900 [email protected] Flight Bookings. If you would like to request a flight, please visit out Request a Flight page and fill out the 'Request a Flight' form. Direct line (weekdays between 10 am - 2 pm): +675 7373 9999
Who We Are - Papua New Guinea
Since 1951, MAF has provided an air service to support the needs of isolated rural communities in Papua New Guinea. Although not the only third-level aviation service here, many communities depend on MAF for their well-being. MAF in turn depends on support from many parts of the world to be able to keep flying.
MAF in PNG Statistics - Papua New Guinea
PNG’s unique topography and poor infrastructure mean that for hundreds of villages in the catchment area of an airstrip, MAF provides essential and viable access to the outside world and the help and hope needed by many people in bush communities. Did you know that... in 2023, our aircraft flew 5,719 hours in total.
Work with us - Papua New Guinea
MAF Papua New Guinea may just be where the Lord is calling you! Find current vacancies for self-funded missionary positions to serve with MAF Papua New Guinea and other programs on our MAFI webpage.
Our team & customers - Papua New Guinea
Many members have worked for MAF Papua New Guinea for over 15 years so there is a vast amount of experience in the team. Interim Country Director, Dom Sant, leads our team, operating ten aircraft across ten bases.
Request a Flight - Papua New Guinea
Direct call: +675 7373 9999 - this number does NOT receive a text or work with WhatsApp. E-mail: [email protected]
News & Stories - Papua New Guinea
MAF International, an Australian company limited by guarantee and registered charity in Australia ABN: 32 004 260 860; ACN: 004 260 860; Registered office: 1a Water Street, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia
Flying - Papua New Guinea
MAF International, an Australian company limited by guarantee and registered charity in Australia ABN: 32 004 260 860; ACN: 004 260 860; Registered office: 1a Water Street, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia
MAF Worldwide - Papua New Guinea
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is a global movement. Our Christian ministry started in 1945 when a group of Second World War pilots were brought together with a shared vision to use their aviation skills for help rather than harm while spreading the transformational love of Jesus Christ.