Ma dai! - WordReference Forums
Mar 29, 2006 · eg. Professore: "Ma di solito gli studenti Erasmus non studiano affatto" Me: "Ma dai! Studio più qui che quando sono nel mio Paese!" But I obviously used the formal when …
Ma dai! - WordReference Forums
Nov 26, 2012 · "Ma dai, Dorisday86, quando capirai le regole? Devi prima proporre qualcosa." Si potrebbe forse dire "Arrete (de te moquer)!" ma non mi sembra abbastanza incisivo (ne' del …
Ma dai vieni - WordReference Forums
Apr 23, 2009 · Ma dai, vieni: Go on, come (with me/with us)! salander Senior Member. Italy. Italian Apr 24, 2009 #4 ...
Ma dai che cosa dici - WordReference Forums
May 13, 2022 · That was the whole sentence I received. I gave someone a compliment and that was their response. My translation attempt is “But come on what you say”.
Ma sì - WordReference Forums
Mar 26, 2013 · To me ma sì is more or less the same as ma dai in the context of buddingtranslator's quote, so maybe Oh come on or Now come on would fit nicely. EDIT: …
I don't believe it. | WordReference Forums
Mar 2, 2009 · "Ma dai, non è possibile", "Sono sicura/o che non è vero" A: Italy won the cup this year!!!! B: I don't ...
dare aria alla bocca - WordReference Forums
Jul 10, 2008 · Hello, Could somebody please help me understand what this means - ma tu dai aria alla bocca e specco a vanvera! the context: one girl says: io non mi do delle arie di una …
Ma va' là (Ma valà, Mavalà) | WordReference Forums
Oct 21, 2005 · Ma guarda = ma varda (Northern dialects) = Ma va In Daumis's example, I think the best translation would be "oh yeah?" or "oh really?" (ma guarda, ma davvero). Also, as an …
Ma non mi dire!? - WordReference Forums
Sep 7, 2009 · I would like to resume this old thread as I've just had a doubt regarding the phrase ma non mi dire.This kind of expression is generally used as a sort of ironical reply to …
Ma da quanto tempo! - WordReference Forums
Sep 24, 2011 · I would like to know what does "Ma da quanto tempo. " mean in this text: - Pronto? - Ciao Maria, sono Gianna! - Ehi, ciao! Come stai? - Bene, e tu? - Bene. Ma da quanto tempo! …