M89SR sniper rifle - Wikipedia
The M89SR sniper rifle is a gas operated semi-automatic sniper rifle produced by Technical Consultants International (TCI). [1] The M89SR was first introduced as the Sardius M36 Sniper Weapon System (SWS) in the 1980s. [2] . The rifle is based on the American M14 rifle in bullpup configuration. [3]
TCI M89SR (Model 89 Sniper Rifle) - Military Factory
Dec 20, 2017 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the TCI M89SR (Model 89 Sniper Rifle) Bullpup Sniper Rifle / Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) including pictures.
TEI M89SR | Gun Wiki - Fandom
The TEI M89SR is an Israeli bullpup marksman rifle. Originally introduced as the Sardius M36 Sniper Weapon System, the rifle was conceived in the early 1980s by sport shooter Nehemia Sirkis.[1] The rifle was designed as a way to breathe new …
M89SR sniper rifle - Wikiwand
Oct 27, 2024 · The M89SR sniper rifle is a gas operated semi-automatic sniper rifle produced by Technical Consultants International (TCI).
TCI M89SR (Model 89 Sniper Rifle): Photos, History, Specification
The American Cold War-era M14 semi-automatic rifle formed the basis of the modern Israeli M89SR sniper system. The weapon has its origins in the early Sardius M36 Sniper Weapon System (SWS) introduced in the 1980s, and is also armed with the ubiquitous 7.62x51mm NATO rifle cartridge - a proven range interceptor.
Any idea on an Israeli M89SR value? - M14 Forum
Jan 24, 2024 · Ergo, the value of an IDF M89SR is exactly $0.00 in the U.S.A. That’s my serious answer to a non-serious question. Caveat: The unique M89 stock is not a USGI item and could probably be imported into the U.S. as a non-ITAR item, and it would have some collector value for those who like IDF items -but the M14 rifle and its barrel is strictly ...
Israeli m36/m89sr rifle info/value? | Sniper's Hide Forum
Apr 2, 2005 · Hi, a buddy of mine aquired a m89sr/Sardis m36 Israeli sniper rifle. Its an odd duck, a bullpup m14 w a heavy barrel, some kind of QR scope mount system (which is missing, but it has flip up iron sights) and a externally threaded muzzle brake for a can.
M89SR sniper rifle | Military Wiki | Fandom
M89SR sniper rifle is a gas operated semi-automatic sniper rifle, produced by Technical Equipment International (TEI), an Israeli company based in Tel Aviv. [1] The M89SR was first introduced as the Sardius M36 Sniper Weapon System (SWS) in the 1980s.
TCI M89 狙击步 枪 - 枪炮世界
以色列 TCI 公司 (Technical Consulting international —— 技术顾问国际公司) 生产的 M89SR (即“89型狙击步枪”),是以色列生产的美国 M14 步枪 无托改型。 这种武器 的前身 是1980年代中期以色列Sardius公司 研制 的 M36 狙击手武器系统 (SWS)。 M36 SWS 和同时期研制的 IMI GALAT'Z 一样,都是打算 取代 以色列国防军改装的 M14 SWS。 以军在1980年代后期对 M36 SWS 、 GALAT'Z 和 M14 SWS 一起进行 对比试验, 期间 M36 SWS 在 射击精度 方面表现最 …
TCI M89SR狙撀步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
TCI M89SR(全寫:Model 89 Sniper Rifle,意為:89型狙擊步槍)是一款由總部設在以色列 特拉维夫的技術顧問國際公司(TCI)專門為特種部隊研製及生產的氣動式操作犢牛式改進型半自動 狙击步枪,發射7.62×51毫米 北約 口徑 步枪 子彈。