25MM Bushmaster Ammunition - Established, Combat Proven, …
Our 25mm rounds meet or exceed military performance requirements. The family of 25mm ammunition is in service with the United States Army and Marine Corps. General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems is the proven source for advanced, high-performance, high-payoff medium caliber ammunition.
PDSD, M758 - Bulletpicker
The point-detonating (PD), self-destroying (SD) M758 fuze is a delayed arming, PD SD type which also features graze impact sensitivity against hard and soft ground media as well as super-quick functioning upon target impact.
This round is fuzed with the M758 Point Detonating Self-Destruct fuze, developed and produced exclusively by Northrop Grumman. This cartridge is certified by NATO per STANAG 4173 and is fired from any system using the M242 Bushmaster, KBA, M811 or GAU-12 weapon.
PGU-38/U Enhanced 25mm High Explosive Incendiary (HEI)
Jul 7, 2011 · The 25mm HEI round is known for its outstanding accuracy, lethality, and effectiveness against light materiel and in anti-personnel and fire suppression roles. The FMU-151/B fuze (M758...
Fuze, 25mm, Point Detonating, Self Destruct M758 - Spec
Page Title: Fuze, 25mm, Point Detonating, Self Destruct M758: Click here for thousands of PDF manuals: Web www.tpub.com Home : Information Categories.... Administration Advancement Aerographer Automotive Aviation Construction Diving Draftsman Engineering Electronics Food and Cooking Logistics Math Medical Music
Ammunition Components | Island Pyrochemical Industries
IPI provides the entire range of ammunition components for a variety of projectile sizes and types through its sister company, Island Ordnance Systems (IOS). For more information about specific products, please send us an inquiry or visit the Island Ordnance Systems website.
25 mm M792 HEI-T - MKE USA
M758 self-destruct (If it doesn't crush any target, it will burst after 6.2 s) Cartridge Case: 10B30 steel: Range: If it doesn't crush any target, it will burst between 3800 - 4500 m: Muzzle Velocity: 1100±25 m/s: Packing: 55 rounds / hermetic box: Weapon to be Used: M242, KBA, M811, GAV-12: FEATURES TECHNICIAL SPECIFICATIONS
Nov 25, 2017 · 25mm x 137!p2)+9d(+")5(2"67hxxxhxxx"2)9.+1")*",4-1"*$3-'0"q-,4 %2)5(."19dd(11"-."=%(2$,-)."m(1(2,"b,)23s!r4("/2($,(1,"&2($+,4")*"6733"%2)+9d,1")*"$.0
The M758 provides superior arming delay, graze and extended range sensitivity, and self- destruct and meets MIL-STD 1316 requirements. The M793 TP-T is a low cost, target practice cartridge, ballistically matched to the M792 HEI-T round.
25mm Ammunition - navy - doczz.net
This cartridge is fuzed with the M758 Point Detonating Self-Destruct (PDSD) fuze, developed and produced exclusively by Orbital ATK. The M758 provides superior arming delay, graze and extended range sensitivity, and selfdestruct and meets MIL-STD 1316 requirements.