M1 series cancelled, M60A4 project instead
Mar 18, 2011 · Composite/ERA armor, but thiner and lighter over all compared to M60A4, and should ideally weigh in under 64,000lbs, and be similarly mobile as M60A4. Latter upgraded with 105/120mm ATGM Round for Main gun. Army. Marine Light Tank/AFV: Out and out replacement for the M551. Either a Wheeled Tank Destroyer like the Centauro and AMX-10 (Probably ...
M1 series cancelled, M60A4 project instead | alternatehistory.com
Mar 18, 2011 · The eventual replacement is not the M-1, but the uhmmm... "USA'kava", infantry support tank. Since this tank matches the Israeli design needs, the Israelis never develop the Merkava and just buy the US product. There are a few differences though. US tank commanders like the M-60 series armoured cupola, so this is retained.
Alternate AFVs for the '70s | Page 2 | alternatehistory.com
Aug 12, 2017 · M60A4 Avenger The M60A2 with its narrow profile turret and M48 152-mm gun/launcher entered service with the US Army in 1972. The large calibre gun capable of firing high explosive for infantry support and the MGM-51 Shillelagh guided missile for long-range anti-tank engagements mounted on the standard M60 hull seemed like a winning combination.
Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 2
Jun 19, 2015 · The M60A4, a modified version of the AH IDF Magach 5 Avenger (see my earlier model at the link below), is a mid-1970s attempt to produce an escort tank not unlike the more modern OTL Russian BMPT Terminator. In other words, the M60A4's mission is primarily infantry support and the support of armour in urban environments.
Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 2
Jun 19, 2015 · M60A4 Avenger Update The M60A2 with its narrow profile turret and M48 152-mm gun/launcher entered service with the US Army in 1972. The large calibre gun capable of firing high explosive for infantry support and the MGM-51 Shillelagh guided missile for long-range anti-tank engagements mounted on the standard M60 hull seemed like a winning ...
M1 series cancelled, M60A4 project instead
Mar 18, 2011 · There are always exceptions to the rule: the B-57 being the AF's. But buying LeClerc? As they said on The Sopranos, fugadaboutitt. Why would we in the first place when it's not going to be available until 1991 at the earliest. Hell, Krauss-Maffai tried selling a 105-mm version of the Leo 2 to...
Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 2
Jun 19, 2015 · m60a4 With the retirement of the M103A2 by the USMC in the early 70s a few Marines while happy to have new M60A1s enter service with them a few missed the superior firepower of the M103. Turrets from the M103 were mounted on …
Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 3
Jul 5, 2019 · This project will also involve repurposing one of my earlier whiffs - I have already done an improved version (M60A4 Avenger) as a commission build (see Post#48 on page 3 of my completed AH AFV Models thread) and have been slowly robbing bits and pieced from this one - time to be reincarnated.
Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 2
Jun 19, 2015 · While Speer favoured the DB design for the proposed medium tank, Hitler himself was still fairly divided over his choice, eager to push for a new tank as soon as possible.[1] As a result, the MAN design, which incorporated an existing turret design for the original VK 45.01 (H) Tiger I, looked set to be approved over the DB design as a cost ...
Alterntive History Armoured Fighting Vehicles | Page 127 ...
Nov 5, 2011 · The model represents the 4th tank of A Squadron (Heavy), the Pretoria Regiment and is constructed from parts from a Tamiya Churchill Mk VII, a Tamiya King Tiger, AFV Club Centurion track links, a few bits from a Tamiya Leopard 1A4 and …