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  1. Copilot Answer

    The M5 high-speed tractor was a fully tracked artillery tractor designed to tow artillery pieces that weighed up to 16,000 pounds (7,300 kg). It could tow the gun and carry the gun's ammunition, the crew and their equip… See more


    The design of the M5 high-speed tractor was standardized in October 1942, with production being undertaken by International Harvester, the design was to evolve into five marks. The M5 was accepted in… See more


    The M5 high-speed tractor entered service with the US Army in 1943 and was one of the primary medium artillery prime movers along with the GMC CCKW 2½-ton 6x6 truck and the Diamond T 4-ton 6x6 truck. In 1944, 200 … See more

    Surviving examples

    Surviving examples of the M5 high-speed tractors of various marks can be seen at:
    • 2 pieces in the Robert Gill Collection, Vienna, Austria
    Marshall Museum, Lexington, Virginia.… See more

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