Winchester m193 5.56x45-any reviews? - AR15.COM
Feb 22, 2021 · IMI downloaded the velocity of their M193 for commercial sale by ~ 100 FPS due to trying to accommodate more non spec guns without the customers having issues. With everyone pumping out ammo as fast as they possibly can, I personally would not expect the finest quality of any ammo, especially the mass produced stuff.
Consensus on what m193 ammo is the "Standard" to compare to
Jul 23, 2016 · Genuine M193 must be tested for and pass all of the specifications laid out in the mil-spec, MIL-C-9963. The required areas of testing included in MIL-C-9963 range from velocity, accuracy, chamber pressure and port pressure to waterproofing, temperature stability, bullet extraction, case hardness, fouling and more.
Favorite M193 ammo Brand - AR15.COM
Jun 29, 2021 · This ammo was both accurate AND hot. It was probably the most powerful M193 that I also found to be highly accurate. #4) IMI. This is full house hot ammo in good brass. It's not super accurate, but this is solid mil-spec ammo; and a better quality bullet than the US version (most US M193 bullets are poor quality for accuracy; except for Hornady).
Duplicating m193 ammo - AR15.COM
Jul 23, 2017 · M193 and M855 has been the worst ammo I've ever fired from an AR-15. It feeds and functions, that's the only positive thing I can say about. If you have a chronograph you can try to reach 3100 fps with any 55 grain bullets and you'll be close. 3050 fps with a 62 grain and you'll match the M855. These velocities assume that you're using a 20 ...
A Compilation of M193 and 55 Grain FMJ Accuracy Evaluations
Mar 24, 2023 · When chronographed from a 20” Colt M16A2 barrel, the muzzle velocity of this lot of PPU M193 was 3219 FPS with a standard deviation of 35 FPS. The accuracy specification for M193 cited in MIL-C-9963F is as follows: The average of the mean radii of all targets of the sample cartridges, fired at 200 yards, shall not exceed 2.0 inches.
Igman M193 - AR15.COM
Jan 9, 2023 · Now it’s not scientific because I don’t have anything to measure how fast the ammo is going. No telling if it’s 3200fps or 2800fps. I will say it feels the same in shoulder recoil as 62gr armscor green tip m855 ammo. I was able to sight in the Igman m193 real quick and it’s completely consistent. 3 shot groups stack on top of each other.
Igman 5.56x45mm, M193, 55gr FMJ Review - AR15.COM
Dec 7, 2022 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.
maximum effective range of M193 - AR15.COM
Jun 11, 2006 · If you assume that most military surplus is 2-3MOA ammo, and use 20" as the width of a human male target, then at 600yds you would stay within an 18" circle with 3MOA ammo. If you got a good 2MOA batch of XM193, then at 1000yds you could keep it in 20".
B & T Ammo Labs Fragmentation Experiment #1 - AR15.COM
Sep 3, 2018 · B & T Ammo Labs Fragmentation Experiment #1 Multiple round, high velocity 5.56, 55 grain M193 fragmentation sensitivity in bare gel Tatjana von E. and Derek W. F. This experiment was designed to provide an excuse for B & T Ammo Labs to purchase and play with a new top-of-the-line Oehler chronograph.
M193 accuracy vs. M855 accuracy - AR15.COM
Oct 23, 2022 · IMI M193 This lot of IMI M193 is loaded in IMI brass with a 2021 headstamp. The annealing iris is visible and the rounds are charged with ball powder. The primer pockets are crimped and sealed and the case mouths are also crimped and sealed. Prvi Partizan (PPU) M193 The PPU M193 brass has a 2020 headstamp and the annealing iris is visible.