Lycium - Wikipedia
Lycium are shrubs, often thorny, growing 1 to 4 meters tall. The leaves are small, narrow, and fleshy, and are alternately arranged, sometimes in fascicles. Flowers are solitary or borne in clusters. The funnel-shaped or bell-shaped corolla is white, green, or purple in color.
Lycium barbarum - Wikipedia
Lycium barbarum is a deciduous woody shrub that typically grows to a height of 1–3 metres (3 ft 3 in – 9 ft 10 in). It is characterised by its weak arching branches, and the side branches are often reduced to short leafless spines.
沙漠枸杞( Lycium ruthenicum Murray ):又称黑果枸杞、青海枸杞,是分布于中国西北地区和蒙古国的一种野生枸杞品种。沙漠枸杞果实呈紫黑色,具有较高的药用和保健价值。
枸杞 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
枸 gǒu 杞 qǐ (學名: Lycium chinense),又稱 枸 gǒu 檵 jì,是 茄科 枸杞屬 的一個 物種,果实称 枸杞子,嫩叶称 枸杞头,其根皮称为 地骨皮。 与本种相似的近缘物种有 寧夏枸杞 (L. barbarum),两者经常用作中药及補品食用 [3]。 其英文常用名直译为狼莓 (wolfberry)。 落叶 灌木,高1.5~2米;枝条细长,先端常弯曲,茎丛生有短刺;叶卵状披针形,互生或数片丛生;夏秋开淡紫色花,一二朵簇生;卵圆形红 浆果;扁肾形种子 [3]。 本种的果實、根皮及葉子均可入藥 …
Lycium Barbarum: A Traditional Chinese Herb and A Promising …
Lycium barbarum has been used in China for more than 2,000 years as a traditional medicinal herb and food supplement. Lycium barbarum contains abundant Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBPs), betaine, phenolics, carotenoids (zeaxanthin and ...
The genus Lycium as food and medicine: A botanical, …
Feb 15, 2018 · Lycium species are shrubs or small trees, often with thorns on the stem and simple, entire leaves. Usually they are differentiated through the thorn on the stem, the shape and size of leaves, the corolla length, the length of stamen, colour of the fruit, the taste of the fruits, and the size and number of seeds.
黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)多棘刺灌木,高20-50 (-150)厘米,多分枝;分枝斜升或横卧于地面,白色或灰白色,坚硬,常成之字形曲折,有不规则的纵条纹,小枝顶端渐尖成棘刺状,节间短缩,每节有长0.3-1.5厘米的短棘刺;短枝位于棘刺两侧,在幼枝上不明显,在 ...
枸杞属 - 百度百科
枸杞属 (学名:LyciumL.)是 茄科 下的一属,灌木,通常有棘刺或稀无刺。 单叶互生或因侧枝极度缩短而数枚簇生,花有梗,单生于叶腋或簇生于极度缩短的侧枝上,种皮骨质,密布网纹状凹穴;胚弯曲成大于半圆的环,位于周边,子叶半圆棒状。 [1] 枸杞属植物全球约有80种,呈离散分布,大部分分布在南美洲和北美洲。 [4] 枸杞,补肾生津,养肝明目,坚精骨,去疲劳,易颜色,变白,明目安神,令人长寿。 ”枸杞作为药用植物,果实和根皮被载入《中华人民共和国药典 …
Phenolic compounds in Lycium berry: Composition, health benefits …
Feb 1, 2021 · Lycium berries of different species contain a total of 186 phenolic compounds. Lycium berries have potent antioxidant activities and other health benefits due to their rich phenolics content. More attention should be given to lignanamides and phenolic acids amides present in Lycium berries.
Lycium. Much-branched spiny stemmed shrubs, occasionally with a definite primary trunk; leaves usually narrow and short (<10x longer than wide), elliptical to widest near apex, deciduous, usually in fascicles.