Lycidae - Wikipedia
The Lycidae are a family in the beetle order Coleoptera, members of which are commonly called net-winged beetles. These beetles are cosmopolitan, being found in Nearctic, Palearctic, Neotropical, Afrotropical, Oriental, and Australian ecoregions.
Long-nosed Lycid Beetle - The Australian Museum
The vividly coloured Long-nosed Lycid Beetle is thought to feed on nectar and is very noticeable when on plant blossoms or in slow flight. Identification. The red and black colours of the Long-nosed Lycid Beetle are a warning to visual predators that it is highly toxic if eaten.
Net Winged Beetle: A Quick Guide to Essential Information
Apr 3, 2024 · The Net-winged Beetle is an intriguing species known for its vibrant color patterns and unique visual adaptations. These beetles, belonging to the Lycidae family, are typically soft-bodied and slow-moving with thick antennae and veiny wing covers that showcase an array of colors, often red or orange mixed with black 1. Their bright coloring and ...
Family Lycidae - Net-winged Beetles - BugGuide
May 26, 2024 · Defensive Chemistry of Lycid Beetles and of Mimetic Cerambycid Beetles that Feed on Them)
The Toxic Beetles of the Lycid Family - Earth Life
Nov 6, 2023 · The Lycid family of beetles, also known as net-winged beetles, contains over 600 species worldwide that display a fascinating array of chemical defences. These include species with toxic secretions, glowing bioluminescence, and explosive chemical reactions.
Curiosities from the cabinets: Lycid beetle mimicry ring
Jan 8, 2018 · Also known as net-winged beetles, because the pronounced veins in their elytra give a net-like appearance, lycids are toxic and defended with pyrazines and lycidic acid (Moore et al., 1990; Eisner et al., 2008).
Long-nosed Lycid Beetle - Porrostoma rhipidium, (Metriorrhynchus rhipidius)
The beetle has the standard Lycid Beetle colours, i.e., the brick red and black. It can be distinguished from other Lycid by its black thorax. Also notice its elongated mouth parts, this is why they are called Long-nose Lycid Beetles.
Porrostoma , Lycid Beetle - Museums Victoria Collections
Lycid Beetles live on native flowers and plants and are thought to feed on nectar. They are distasteful to birds, so their shape and colouring is mimicked by other beetles and also by some flies, wasps and moths.
Lycid Beetles - FAMILY LYCIDAE - Brisbane Insects
Lycid Beetles are elongated and flattened beetles that may be found on flowers or on plant surfaces. Most species adults are nectar-feeders, some do not feed at all in adult stage. The head and thorax are usually triangular in shape.
Long-nosed Lycid Beetle - Project Noah
Like a click beetle but with saw shaped feelers. Deep orange wing covers, black thorax, head, feelers. 18mm body length. Habitat: Victorian state forest - dry sclerophyll eucalyptus. Notes: This beetle is one of a chain of at least 6 mimics in Australia all trying to look similar. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_X6JnoL0U4BY/S8FmGu...
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