Yu LUO | Professor | PhD | Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang
Yu LUO, Professor | Cited by 215 | of Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang | Read 20 publications | Contact Yu LUO
Yu Luo's research works | Guizhou University, Guiyang and other …
Yu Luo's 5 research works with 3 citations and 84 reads, including: Simulation Study on Energy Recovery and Regeneration of Hybrid Loader Arm
Yun Luo - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
State Key Laboratory of Public Big Data, College of Computer Science and Technology, Guizhou - 引用次数:37 次 - Cryptography,Information Security,Image Encryption
Yu Luo - Google Scholar
School of Psychology, Guizhou Normal University, Guizhou, P. R. China - Cited by 445 - acute stress - attention and emotion interaction - emotion regulation
Yu Luo | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Guizhou Univ., Guiyang, China. Publication Topics.
Yu Luo - University of Puget Sound
I am a cultural anthropologist whose research focuses on ethnicity and indigeneity in the Asian borderlands. I am also interested in urban-rural transformations, heritage and tourism, wildlife conservation, and China’s global nexus.
Emotion perception and executive control interact in the salience ...
Jul 4, 2014 · Processing of emotional stimuli can either hinder or facilitate ongoing working memory (WM); however, the neural basis of these effects remains largely unknown. Here we examined the neural mechanisms of these paradoxical effects by implementing a novel emotional WM task in an fMRI study.
An Alternative to the “Indigenous” in Early Twenty-First-Century …
Mar 22, 2017 · Yu Luo (PhD in sociocultural anthropology, Yale University) is a 2016–2017 postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Chinese Studies, University of California Berkeley. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Guizhou, her research examines conservation and development in multiethnic southwest China.
Yu Luo (罗钰) - Google 學術搜尋 - Google Scholar
Alternative Indigeneity in China? The Paradox of the Buyi in the Age of Ethnic Branding. Y Gao, Y Wang, ATL Lee, Y Liu, Y Luo, K Orrick, JS Alexander, JT Sangpo, ... Book Review: The Sounds of Social Space: Branding, Built Environment, and Leisure in Urban China, by Paul Kendall. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2019.
Yu LUO | 2016-2017 Postdoctoral Fellow | PhD - ResearchGate
An Alternative to the “Indigenous” in Early Twenty-First-Century China: Guizhou’s Branding of Yuanshengtai