Product Codes For Lumia 925 | Windows Central
Sep 9, 2013 · im not 100% but i think GB is the generic variant of the lumia 925. GB variant is like nothing added to it. RM-892 VAR GB VOD CONTRACT 32GB SL BLACK 059S700 variant which my phone came with is vodaphones variant of my phone so Vodaphone would of added stuff to it, for instance the logo that the appears when booting the phone up, other vairants may have …
Flashing Lumia 925 throws error 0xFA001106 | Windows Central
Jul 10, 2014 · maybe you can try to install the original country variant for the 925, Lumia 925 Country variant 3051.50009.1424.0002 Available Available Available you can see all the firmware numbers in the cyan update page availability europe
Lumia 925 NO SERVICE issue, how can I fix it? | Windows Central
May 28, 2015 · Lumia 925 NO SERVICE issue Hi everyone, bought a lumia 925 on ebay recently, clean IMEI but locked to Three UK which isnt a problem. But the real problem is that I get NO SERVICE, not outside, not at home, no where, just no service. Microsoft wont take the phone for repair as they wont accept...
GDR2 Update for Lumia 925 | Windows Central
Mar 17, 2016 · Now as it is official that Nokia Lumia 925 is not eligible for windows 10 mobile update, MS should atleast release GDR2 update for us. Some of us got the update at the start of windows insider program. (Link). But majority of us are still stuck at version 8.10.14234.375. GDR2 updates includes...
[Guide] Installing Windows phone 8.1 GDR2 with/without SD card …
Jan 10, 2014 · Description Hi guys, I successfully managed to get Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2 on my Lumia 925. So I thought of making this guide for those who are itching to get back GDR2 on their phones (920,925,1020.....) Just so you know, I am not making this guide on my own. I have done a complete surf...
Lumia 925 W10M Hack? | Windows Central
Oct 12, 2018 · Re: Lumia 925 W10M - black edges Try changing its dpi setting to a lower dpi. If everything gets centered & fits properly then try changing it back to the default(i.e original) dpi setting, if it gets centered & fits everything properly then it's fine. If everything fails then I am afraid that hard reset is the only solution.
My Lumia 925 completely dead after installing Windows Phone 10, …
Apr 11, 2015 · re: My Lumia 925 completely dead after install windows phone 10 My 925 looked like it was dead, but connecting power and doing a reset (power button + volume down) made it restart after all. I cannot enter my SIM PIN, so it's pretty useless (locks up after entering). I'm using the recovery tool now to recover, seems to work.
How can I put Windows 10 on a Lumia 925? | Windows Central
Aug 8, 2016 · Your 925 is, unfortunately a slightly less common device. So an easier way of going around finding the hacks is to go check directly in the the Lumia 925 forums, and the ones for the 920, 928 too. There are round about ways of getting on the WM10 bandwagon still. But the peril is your own. Sadly. -- W
Is the Nokia Lumia 925 worth it? Are there long-time user?
Sep 26, 2013 · Check the 'pictures taken with your Lumia 925' thread to see some samples (mine as well). Sorry for the long and somehow out of topic review, but I got the opportunity here to do it. I think it's also relevant, in general, if you want to know about the 925 and are an absolute beginner with the Windows Phone world or if you are 'afraid' of ...
Nokia Lumia 925 is not getting recognized on computer
Jan 4, 2014 · Nokia Lumia 1320 is not getting recognized on computer ! I have updated my L1320 with windows phone 8.1 developer version. But after few days of use my ph stop recognize computer while connecting with USB. Its only charging.