What you can setup in your alerts - Guides - Lumia Stream
Feb 13, 2023 · Now comes the Lumia Stream magic that makes our alerts so unique. Under Advanced you will find ALL the actions you can perform with your integrations. Be it pausing Spotify, sending out a tweet, changing an OBS scene, or even timeout someone with a Twitch action. You can switch commands on or off with a Lumia action, send midi signals or start ...
How to integrate Spotify in Lumia - Guides - Lumia Stream
Dec 22, 2021 · To integrate Spotify in Lumia we need to create a Spotify Developer App. Please follow the step-by-step instructions below to create your own Spotify Developer Application. ( Client ID & Client Secret ) Do NOT share your Client ID or Client Secret with anybody!
How to set up a song request with Lumia Stream and Spotify
Mar 23, 2022 · I.e. they can type !songwish Lumia Land MrLue. Your ChatBot will shout out: SamWilsonTV requested Lumia Land MrLue and Spotify will add the song to your song queue. As it is something special to be allowed to share your music taste in a stream as a viewer I would rather go for a Twitch Point Command or Extension.
How to set up alerts in the Overlay system - Lumia Stream
Sep 6, 2022 · Alerts have become an integral part of the streamer world. So, of course, they also get their place in the Lumia Stream Overlays. And we have tried to make it as easy as possible for you to set up alerts. Open your overlay that you have already created and go to Add Layer on the left side. Now click on Alerts and again on Alert. Drag the now-appeared Alert box to the place where you want it to ...
How to make an alert with just Lumia Stream and OBS (Basic Text)
Mar 9, 2022 · Something (Lumia Stream) that writes into this file and something (OBS) that can read it. Let’s create a txt file by opening a standard editor. Leave the page blank and save it as “yourfilename.txt”. Put it somewhere where you can find it and where it won’t be moved. Then we go to Lumia → Alerts → Twitch (or your platform) → Follower
TikTok connection issues - Lumia Stream
Jul 19, 2024 · Lumia Stream TikTok connection issues. youaregucci July 19, 2024, 1:57pm #1. Currently trying to connect ...
Why don't my alerts work? - Lumia Stream
Sep 26, 2021 · There could be a few things causing this. Here are some common fixes: 1- Make sure your platform is connected by going to Connections > Platforms and press Add New Connections 2- If you are using Streamlabs or Stream Elements, make sure you first have it connected Connections > Streaming Services and press Add New Connections Please do note, SLOBS does not equal Streamlabs. You must the ...
Im having trouble with my OBS connection alongside my
Aug 2, 2024 · Hey so I have had Lumia for about 2 months now and recently had to factory reset my computer. When i went to reconnect OBS and kick neither of them are wanting to connect. I have completely disconnected them from my account and i have also made a whole new lumia account trying to get them connected and they both are still not working. I …
What is a Lumia Stream HUD and how to use it
Sep 7, 2022 · Now that you’ve heard, read and set up everything about Lumia Stream Overlays, you’ve probably noticed the button labeled HUD. HUD is a very fancy toy for any streamer. But what does it do and how do I set it up? With HUD you can bring your overlay directly to your screen without using a browser source in OBS. That means you can see your overlay, which is never the case with an OBS overlay ...
How to set up a picture or video to appear with your ... - Lumia …
Feb 3, 2022 · Go back to Lumia Stream and set up your Command. Go to Commands → Twitch Points and Add Command. I name this “Show me your heart for musicals”. I select my Type and value for my lights. Set up a value for the channel points and set the User Levels so everyone can use this redemption. My duration will fit the length of the video.