Lumi Juice: Organic, Cold Pressed Juices and Wellness Shots
Organic, cold pressed juices & wellness shots delivered nationwide. Trusted by over 50 professional sports teams to improve energy, endurance, and recovery for their athletes. Order Lumi today and save 15% when you sign up for a subscription.
Products – Lumi Juice
All of our organic ingredients are sourced daily, then cold-pressed and high pressure processed to be converted into the freshest tasting pure deliciousness for you. We don't believe in “quick fixes” or juice cleanses. We think of Lumi’s nutrient rich beverages as a tasty part of a healthy diet and we hope you will too! #LOVEUMEANIT #LUMILIFE
Living the Lumi Lifestyle – Lumi Juice
Dec 26, 2024 · I set out to start living the Lumi Lifestyle! For me, it was helpful to find a program that could provide some structure and rules to help me form new habits. One of my friends suggested that I look into the Whole30, a program that focuses on eating real food.
Lumi Juice: Why drink our cold pressed juice?
Lumi Juice provides a liquid infusion of nutrients that your body instantly assimilates, boosting energy and supporting health. Whether you need a dose of vitamin C to improve your immune system and collagen production or if you need some Beta Carotene, eating healthy never has to be boring with Lumi!
Spring Photo Shoot: Go Behind the Scenes – Lumi Juice
Dec 26, 2024 · Spring is in the air! What better time to gather your friends around a picnic blanket and lounge in the sun. For the past two days, the Lumi team has been doing just that—well sort of... We recruited our favorite local photographer, Tom Daly, to shoot our first ever photo shoot. With the help of Tom and some brave volu
Benefit Page - Lumi Juice
We are Lumi, a USDA Certified Organic cold pressed juice company that provides the highest quality juices and wellness shots because we “Love U Mean It.” All of our organic ingredients are sourced daily, then cold-pressed and high pressure processed to be converted into the freshest tasting pure deliciousness for you.
Lumi Juice: Organic, Cold Pressed Juice
We are Lumi, a USDA Certified Organic cold pressed juice company that provides the highest quality juices and wellness shots because we “Love U Mean It.” All of our organic ingredients are sourced daily, then cold-pressed and high pressure processed to be converted into the freshest tasting pure deliciousness for you.
Feature: Love Juice, She Means It – Lumi Juice
Apr 28, 2018 · If you’re tired of the same old corporate high-sugar, low-nutrient juice — even from some of the organic juice companies — it might be time to give Lumi Juices a try. The name comes from an acronym for “Love You, Mean It,” which the company’s CEO and founder, Hillary Murray, used a lot with one of her sorority sisters
DAY 30: Lumi Juice 30 Day Challenge
Dec 26, 2024 · YOU DID IT. After 30 days of exercising and drinking a juice each day, how do you feel? Even we didn't get through the challenge with no slip-ups; we're all human. Take the time to celebrate this personal win and reevaluate how this might become a permanent part of your lifestyle. So rock on and do a little dance! You deserve it. Today is the LAST DAY to purchase your discounted Challenge ...
Family Friendly and Kid Safe Juices All Natural – Lumi Juice
100% Fruit Juice and Vegetable Juice - Lumi makes fresh squeezed organic, all natural juices with no additives. Safe for toddlers, kids and adults, Lumi cold pressed juices and wellness shots are nutritious and delicious with flavors containing orange, turmeric, celery, cucumber, beet, carrot, cilantro, apple, ginger.