LONGi LR4-60HPH 375M 375W Mono Solar Panel – wesolarx
The LONGi LR4-60HPH 375M is a high-quality solar module with a peak output of 375 watts that offers excellent power output, efficiency, and durability. It is designed for residential solar …
Longi 375W LR4-60HPH 375/MR Solar Panel
The Longi 375W LR4-60HPH 375 / MR solar panel is a 375W monocrystalline module and 120 cells (6x20) from the Longi brand, one of the leading manufacturers in the world photovoltaic …
LONGI SOLAR HI-MO 4M LR4-60HIH-375M - Solar Energy Point
LONGi Solar Hi-MO 4m LR4-60HIH-375M – Modulo fotovoltaico monocristallino 375 W. La corrente operativa ridotta delle mezze celle aumenta la potenza del modulo e riduce le …
Longi 375W HiMo4 Black Frame Split-Cell Monocrystalline Solar …
Longi 375W HiMo4 Solar Panel with 19.8% efficiency and a split cell design. High quality Low LID PERC cells are treated to reduce Light Induced Degradation (LID) for a better lifetime …
LONGi Solar LR4-60HPH 375-380M 375W - KLIMEONLINE
The LONGi 375W Solar Panel LR4-60HPH-375M has an outstanding aesthetic appearance, best suited for rooftop and commercial solar installations. Buy LONGi 375W Solar Panel Easy …
Panneau solaire 375W - Cadre Noir - MONO - Low CO2- Demi cellules - Longi
Avec son rendement pouvant atteindre les 19.8%, le panneau solaire LONGI demi-cellule reste à ce jour inégalé. Composé d’un cadre anodisé en aluminium argenté, celui-ci vous confirmera …
- Reviews: 4
LR4-60HPB 345-375W - SolarFeeds
Introducing the LR4-60HPB 345-375W by Longi Solar, an exceptional solar panel that combines advanced technology with superior performance. This high-quality product is designed to …
Photovoltaic panels 375W – Longi Hi-MO 4m LR4-60HPB 355-375M
The Longi Hi-MO 4m LR4-60HPB 355-375M is a photovoltaic panel with a power output of 375W. It belongs to the Hi-MO 4m series, which has many advantages, including the ability to …
Panou Monocristalin Longi Solar 375W LR4-60HIH-375M - Save …
Modulul solar LONGi 60HIH-375M se bazează pe tehnologia dovedită PERC și pe tehnologia half-cell. Cu o putere de 375 Wp, acest modul are o înălțime de 1755 mm și o lățime de 1038 …
Panou fotovoltaic 375 Wp monocristalin LONGi Solar, LR4-60HPH …
Panou fotovoltaic 375 Wp monocristalin LONGi Solar, LR4-60HPH-375M (BlackFrame) Producător: LONGi Solar; Cod produs: LR4-60HPH-375M; Disponibilitate: Întreabă; Pret client …