The World’s Leading Supplier of Solar PV Solutions-LONGi
LONGi, using innovative products and solutions help the world a healthier, safer and more sustainable place. Solutions Utility-Scale Solar Power Plants
The World’s Leading Supplier of Solar PV Solutions - LONGi
LONGi’s technological and manufacturing leadership in solar wafers, cells and modules underscores our commitment to helping accelerate the clean energy transition. By offering high-quality, reliable products and systems, we provide holistic solutions for the …
The World’s Leading Supplier of Solar PV Solutions-LONGi
LONGi, using innovative products and solutions help the world a healthier, safer and more sustainable place. Solutions Utility-Scale Solar Power Plants
LONGi es uno de los líderes mundiales en la transición hacia la energía limpia. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de soluciones solares fotovoltaicas que pueden optimizar una amplia variedad de aplicaciones de proyecto.
El liderazgo tecnológico y de fabricación de LONGi en obleas, celdas y módulos solares resalta nuestro compromiso de contribuir a acelerar la transición hacia una energía limpia. Al ofrecer productos y sistemas confiables de alta calidad, proporcionamos soluciones integrales para la industria solar y de energías renovables.
About Us - Longi
Founded in 2000, LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (LONGi) is committed to being the most valuable solar technology company in the world.
High-efficiency Module,Longi solar module - LONGi
LONGi High-efficiency solar Module, widely adopting PERC solar cells technology, Half-cut Module Technology and Bifacial PV technology,Mono Silicon Crystalline Technology has become a leading manufacturer and brand in the export and installation of monocrystalline silicon solar photovoltaic module.
The World’s Leading Supplier of Solar PV Solutions - LONGi
LONGi’s technological and manufacturing leadership in solar wafers, cells and modules underscores our commitment to helping accelerate the clean energy transition. By offering high-quality, reliable products and systems, we provide holistic solutions for the …
成为全球最具价值的太阳能科技公司 - 隆基绿能 - Longi
Hi-MO 7は、LONGiが集中型市場向けに提供する新世代の高効率モジュールです。 優れた発電性能と製品の信頼性を備えており、高い両面率と優れた電力温度係数に基づき、地表反射率が高い環境、高温、限られた土地面積での利用に特に適しています。