Vehicle Restraints & Dock Locks: Safety Systems - Rite-Hite
Dok-Loks help improve safety, productivity and security at the loading dock while offering: Light communication systems, which come standard with all Rite-Hite vehicle restraints. Versatile …
The RHR DOK-LOK vehicle restraint is an electromechanical, self-aligning restraint device used to secure semi-trailers with an intact Rear Impact Guard (R.I.G.) to the face of a loading dock.
Vehicle Restraints with Dok-Lok® Safety Features - Rite-Hite
Exclusive Dok-Lok safety features, which address more types of trailer/dock separation than any other restraints. Exclusive light communication system that provides FULL-TIME …
View and Download RITE-HITE DOK-LOK RHR-600 owner's manual online. Vehicle restraint. DOK-LOK RHR-600 locks pdf manual download.
Vehicle Restraints with Dok-Lok® Safety Features | Arbon - Rite …
Rite-Hite® Dok-Loks, also referred to as truck restraints, trailer restraints, or dock locks, are known world-wide for: Versatile hook and barrier designs that help address more types of …
DOK-LOK vehicle restraint is an electro-mechanical restraint device that, when properly installed and operated, retains a secure connection between the truck and dock. Signal lights, warning …
Vehicle Restraint Parts and Installation | Arbon Equipment - Rite-Hite
We Offer Service, Repairs and Replacement Parts for the Dok-Lok Vehicle Restraint and Other Vehicle Restraints Including: Shadow Hook Restraints Vertical Barrier Restraints
Original Dok-Lok® Rotating Hook Restraints - Rite-Hite
Creating the Vehicle Restraint industry in 1980, Dok-Lok® Rotating Hook Restraints offer more wrap than any other vehicle restraint system while supporting the widest variety of RIG types. …
The RHR-600 Dok-Lok® Vehicle Restraint is designed to secure a semi-trailer to a loading dock by engaging the trailer’s rear impact guard (RIG) with a large, rotating hook. Engagement …
SHR-5000 Dok-Lok Vehicle Rotating Hook Restraints - Rite-Hite
The SHR-5000 Dok-Lok Vehicle Restraint is the industry's premium trailer restraint, offering the highest level of safety and performance with a unique rotating hook design. Adds an additional …