Glossary of leaf morphology - Wikipedia
The following terms are used to describe leaf morphology in the description and taxonomy of plants. Leaves may be simple (that is, the leaf blade or 'lamina' is undivided) or compound (that is, the leaf blade is divided into two or more leaflets). [1]
How to Identify Simple Lobed and Unlobed Leaves - Treehugger
May 21, 2021 · Simple leaves can be further divided into two categories: lobed and unlobed leaves. Lobes are projections of the blade with gaps between them (these gaps, however, do not reach the middle vein)....
Lobed Leaves | Leaf-ID.com
The leaves are lobed with 5 to 7 leaf tips and becomes up to 18 cm (7.1 in). The petiole is reddish and almost as long as the leaf. The leaf veins go star-shaped from the leaf base.
Hepatica Plant Care - Learn About The Liverleaf Hepatica Plant ...
Jun 15, 2021 · The leaves are three-lobed, dark green and are covered with silky, soft hairs. Leaves darken as they grow older and become a bronze color in the winter. The plants retain leaves throughout the dormant cycle to give them a head start for early spring blooming.
Hepatica Plant Growing & Care Guide for Gardeners
Oct 19, 2023 · Hepatica are small hardy perennials that reach heights of between 5 and 20 cm (2 to 8 inches); this makes them ideal for use in rock gardens. Common names for Hepatica plants include Liverwort, Kidneywort, and Liverleaf. They get these common names because of the shape and color of their three-lobed leaves, which resemble the human liver.
Leaves are the best and often the easiest way to identify a tree. Needles and scale of evergreens are also considered leaves. simple or compound? margins smooth or margins rough? any sinuses or lobes? What is the size, shape, texture, and color variation of the leaves? Bud - A compressed, undeveloped shoot. Buds may be lateral or terminal.
Plants That Have Three Parts to Their Leaves - Garden Guides
Sep 21, 2017 · Lobed Leaves. Lobed leaves are individual leaves on a single stem that have distinct sections with several veins branching out from the leaf petiole to the leaf margin. Each of these veins ends at the tip of a distinct leaf lobe.
Sharp-lobed Hepatica - Grow Native!
This tough woodland wildflower blooms early (Feb.-April). The stalks push through last years’ foliage to bear 6-10 delicate petals that vary from white to bluish to pink. The yellow stamens form a dome over the petals. After the petals drop the 3-lobed, thick leaves appear. The common name of Liverleaf comes from the liver-like shape of them.
Hepatica americana: Identification, Health Benefits, Uses, Invasive ...
Hepatica americana, also known as Round-lobed Hepatica or Roundleaf Liverleaf, is a charming woodland wildflower that enchants early spring with its delicate blooms. This herbaceous perennial is a native plant of Eastern North America, stretching from Minnesota to Maine and as far south as Northern Florida.
Hepatica acutiloba (Sharp-Lobed Liverleaf) - Gardenia
One of the earliest woodland wildflowers, Hepatica acutiloba (Sharp-Lobed Liverleaf) is a clump-forming, semi-evergreen perennial producing adorable bowl-shaped flowers, 1 in. across (2.5 cm), in early spring. Usually white, the blossoms may also be pale pink or pale lavender-purple.