What is the short form for 'little' ? Is it li'l or lil'?
Sep 2, 2014 · Ngram shows li'l beating out lil' and li'l' since before 1900. (Note that you must press "Search lots of books" after clicking on the link.) And since Lil is a very popular name (both as …
pronunciation - L in the middle of a word: dark l or light l?
Oct 23, 2015 · Kahn predicts that, unless the segmental context is different, a liquid will have the same allophonic realization in word-final prevocalic position (e.g. seal in) and in foot-medial …
When is "L" doubled? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Aug 9, 2010 · -l-vs -ll-: Both versions (-l-and -ll-) are correct and acceptable (when it comes in stressed syllable). Modeling and traveling are more common the in U.S. (-ll-is also used and …
How do I abbreviate "little" correctly? - English Language & Usage ...
However, in some accents, the "tt" of "little" becomes a glottal stop, and many writers have chosen to depict that as "li'l". It is a good phonetic representation of the way the word is …
L versus LL in British versus US English [duplicate]
The American rule is to double the 'l' if the last syllable is accented when you add the suffix -ing or -ed, but not if the first syllable is accented. The British rule is to always double the 'l'. This …
When to use double "L"? - English Language & Usage Stack …
Jun 28, 2013 · If there was an 'l' already on the word, this results in two 'l's. If there were two 'll's on the word already, you don't triple the 'l', but just add 'y'. (quick → quickly, real → really, full …
Why use "an" before a word that starts with a "L" [duplicate]
The "a" v. "an" distinction is phonetically based. If you say L T I, when you pronounce the letter L is pronounced "el" (as in the proper name "Eleanor") which starts with a vowel. If the acronym …
Words for the long and short parts of the letter L
Jan 17, 2022 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
Confusion about how to pronounce the "dark L" consonant sound
Jan 9, 2015 · "Dark L" is "L" at the end of the word or after a vowel sound. Example: ball, pull. "Light L" is "L" at the beginning or before a vowel sound. Example: light, love. There are 4 …
Pronunciation of "'ll" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
In American English dialects I'm familiar with, postvocalic /l/ is always velarized ("dark"), while prevocalic /l/ is not ("light"). After a consonant, the contraction -'ll is certainly /əl/, but after a …