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LionPATH Support
Good support is key to LionPATH’s success, and is part of the team’s ongoing responsibility. We are partnering with the many functional offices who comprise the extended LionPATH network.
Student Help - LionPATH Support
Note: If you’re having trouble completing a task or viewing information in LionPATH, we recommend that you first try a different internet browser. If that doesn’t work, you can do a …
Access to LionPATH - LionPATH Support
Click on the question to jump to the answer. How do I gain access to LionPATH? How do families view student information in LionPATH? Where do families view student information in …
Registration - LionPATH Support
Click on the question to jump to the answer. For more detailed information about these topics, visit the LionPATH Support Student Help page. What is the Pre-Registration Activity Guide? Why …