Linhof Precision Cameras made in Munich
Wir begrüßen Sie bei Linhof in München. Wir produzieren hochwertige Kamera-Systeme für analoge und digitale Fotografie.
Historical Linhof Cameras | Linhof
The Linhof history is dating back more than 128 years now. Thousands of photographers worldwide are presently using new or previously owned Linhof cameras. Thousands of collectors are still storing their “old” cameras in show cases.
Technorama 617s III - Linhof
Mar 11, 2015 · The Linhof Shift Adapter with wide-angle lenses offering an extremely wide shift range of 30 mm (15 mm each up and down). The Shift Adapter can be used with all existing Technorama bodies accepting interchangeable lenses.
Master Technika classic - Linhof
Mar 14, 2015 · TECHNICAL DATA MASTER TECHNIKA classic. Front: Lens center tilt 30° fwd. and bkwd. swing: 15° Lens rise: 55 mm Lens standard shift: 40 mm to either side Dropbed: 15°, 30°, 55° with click-stop Back: 20° swing / tilts in all directions Bellows: max. 430 mm Dimensions: 18 x 18 x 11 cm, closed Weight: 2600 g without lens Lens Coupling: f 72 – 400 mm RECOMMENDED BASIC LENS COMBINATIONS
GALLERY - Linhof
LINHOF HISTORY; VERSIONS OF M 679; HISTORICAL CAMERAS; search. All Architecture 12 Conceptual 30 Industry 3 Interior 3 Landscape 22 Panorama 12 People 14 Still 10 Transportation 3 Video 2. Bruno Giliberto, MAREA. POBY, Landscapes. Igor Volkov, Rural Caucasus. Jakob Huger: Country. Simon Schollum, Stills.
ABOUT US - Linhof
For over 130 years Linhof have been producing cameras, optics and other high end products which capture the time and moment in sharpness, detail and precision. Linhof’s cameras and equipment have always been synonymous for high quality photography.
Technikardan S 45 - Linhof
Mar 11, 2015 · The Technikardan perfectly combines the compactness of the classic Linhof Technika dropbed design and the optical bench versatility of the Kardan series. It is a compact and mobile camera system designed for the demanding Pro who needs to travel light but also wants to exploit all the possibilities of a fully adjustable viewcamera system.
Linhof Techno
Nov 15, 2015 · A double-folded wide-angle bellows allows wide-angle lenses from 23 mm to approx. 90 mm focal length to be used for unobstructed adjustments. The Techno uses Technika lens plates for lenses from 23 mm to 210 mm. The accessories for the image standard are identical to the Linhof M 679cs system accessories. Vertical stitching with Techno
Technorama 612pc II - Linhof
Jan 12, 2015 · The built-in 8 mm rise of the lens avoids converging lines. The ultimate tool for a user who specialises in architectural, interior, industrial, travel and technically scenic photo-graphy. The superbly finished all-metal construction of the camera body in Linhof precision quality guarantees high-end photography even in off-road areas.
Prices - Linhof
Nov 9, 2020 · Linhof Price List 2024/2025 PDF. Lenses 2024 (digital and analogue) PDF. Delivery Terms PDF