What happened to Linda Fiorentino? - Page 2 - DVD Talk Forum
Feb 29, 2012 · And Fiorentino looks fine for her age. That is true for 99% of the population if they looked like that at her age. The problem is you remember beautiful Hollywood Actresses when they are beautiful.
What happened to Linda Fiorentino? - DVD Talk Forum
Feb 29, 2012 · I seem to remember the last "what happened to Linda Fiorentino" thread someone posted a fairly recent picture of her. She has not aged well! I had a big crush on her in The Last Seduction and Men in Black so it's too bad.
Linda Fiorentino -- what's the deal? - the Data Lounge
May 28, 2023 · Hello. Some features on this site require a subscription. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month.
Most difficult actors to work with? - Page 2 - DVD Talk Forum
Movie Talk - Most difficult actors to work with? - Originally Posted by Perkinsun Dzees Kevin Smith: The biggest pain in the arse I ever worked with... Linda Fiorentino. When we were making Dogma, the cast was working in a favoured nations type of affair where everyone was getting paid the same - scale, which is the
Last Movie You Watched Thread - Page 814 - DVD Talk Forum
Feb 2, 2025 · Matthew Modine, Linda Fiorentino. Directed by Harold Becker. 1985 A high school wrestler in Spokane, Washington, is pursuing a demanding training regimen for an underdog match against a top-rated opponent, when a distraction appears in the person of a beautiful young drifter who takes up temporary residence at his home.
"Favorite" Nude Scene Selection Thread 2.0(Please Post Your Top 10)
Jun 2, 2009 · The Last Seduction (Linda Fiorentino -about a minute during a sex scene) Last Tango In Paris(Maria Schneider) Lifeforce (Mathilda May) LITTLE CHILDREN(Kate Winslet/Laundry room scene) Looking for Mr. Goodbar (Diane Keaton) Lost & Delirious(Jessica Pare/Piper Perabo) Lost Highway (Patricia Arquette stripping) 3
What happened to the Erotic thriller? - DVD Talk Forum
Apr 23, 2019 · The real reason these movies stopped is Sharon Stone and Linda Fiorentino turned 40. Reply Like 04-23-19 ...
Dogma Commentary? - DVD Talk Forum
Apr 24, 2003 · Most of the edited info in the Dogma commentary had to do with Linda Fiorentino, who apparantly was a royla bitch to work with. Some comments made it in, though. One of my favorite lines was when Smith says this about a certain scene: "Oh, Linda wasn't talking to me on the day we shot this scene".
Lost movies of the 1980's- the HBO years - DVD Talk Forum
Apr 24, 2012 · I recently was going through the guide on my DVR and saw that Gotcha was going to be airing. I couldn't resist and recorded it. It was fun to watch it again, especially seeing a young Anthony Edwards and Linda Fiorentino, but I would really like the chance to revisit Tag: The Assassination Game. I remember really liking that one when I was a kid.
Linda Lavin (Alice) — dead at 87 - DVD Talk Forum
Dec 30, 2024 · Re: Linda Lavin (Alice) — dead at 87 I also watched Alice as a kid. Thinking back, I feel like it probably had more serious adult themes like women's lib and workers' rights, but i just watched to see Flo telling people "Kiss my grits!"