Liang Bai - King's College London
Liang Bai is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at King's Business School. Previously he was a Lecturer in Economics at the University of Edinburgh. His research interests include development economics, economic history, political economy, and international trade.
Liang Bai - Google Sites
I'm a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Economics at King's Business School, King's College London. Prior to King's, I worked in the School of Economics at the University of...
Liang Bai - Google Scholar
Liang Bai. Senior Lecturer in Economics, King's College London. Verified email at kcl.ac.uk - Homepage. development economics international trade political economy economic history. ... L Bai, B Handel, E Miguel, G Rao. Review of Economics and Statistics 103 (5), 835-856, 2021. 97 …
Dr Liang Bai - The University of Edinburgh
Liang Bai's research interests are in the fields of development economics, international trade, and political economy. Recent work has examined the consumer gains from US-China trade, obstacles to investment in preventive health, as well as the economic legacies of the Cultural Revolution in China.
Liang BAI | Professor (Full) | PhD | Shanxi University, Taiyuan
Electronic health records (EHRs) contain diverse patient information, including medical notes, clinical events, and laboratory test results. Integrating this multimodal data can improve disease...
Bai Liang - Google Scholar
F Cao, J Liang, L Bai. Expert Systems with Applications 36 (7), 10223-10228, 2009. 236: 2009: Fast density clustering strategies based on the k-means algorithm. L Bai, X Cheng, J Liang, H Shen, Y Guo. Pattern Recognition 71, 375-386, 2017. 203: 2017: A dissimilarity measure for the k-modes clustering algorithm.
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY PLACEMENT SERVICE: Patrick G. Allen DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS [email protected] LIANG BAI [email protected] +1 510-225-8506
Liang Bai - King's College London
Bai, L. (Primary Investigator) NIH National Institutes of Health. 30/04/2021 → 31/12/2022. Project: Research
Liang Bai - Senior Lecturer in Economics - LinkedIn
Senior Lecturer in Economics at King's College London · Experience: King's College London · Education: University of California, Berkeley · Location: London · 208 connections on LinkedIn. View...
- Title: Senior Lecturer in Economics …
- Location: King's College London
- Connections: 208
Personal HomePage of Professor Bai Liang | Liangbai …
Professor and doctoral supervisor with the school of system engineering, National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), Changsha, Hunan, China.