Lherzolite - Wikipedia
Lherzolite is a type of ultramafic igneous rock. It is a coarse-grained rock consisting of 40 to 90% olivine along with significant orthopyroxene and lesser amounts of calcic chromium -rich clinopyroxene. Minor minerals include chromium and aluminium spinels and garnets.
Lherzolite Rock Composition and Occurrence - Geology Base
Dec 18, 2023 · Lherzolite is a dense, coarse-grained, dark greenish to greenish-black rock. It may be massive or layered, and alteration may change its colors. On a hand specimen, this rock will have dark green forsterite olivine (iron-rich olivine) and enstatite (orthopyroxene).
Lherzolite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Lherzolite refers to the structurally oldest rock type, characterized by spinel-peridotite facies equilibrium assemblages and clinopyroxene-rich compositions, that has been uplifted and equilibrated in the lithosphere under specific pressure and temperature conditions.
Spinel Lherzolite - ALEX STREKEISEN
A lherzolite is an ultrabasic igneous rock dominated by essential olivine and clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene in equal proportions. Accessory minerals include plagioclase, spinel, garnet, ilmenite, chromite and magnetite. Lherzolites are a peridotite and …
Lherzolite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Named after the locality: Etang de Lers, Col d'Agnès, Le Port, Saint-Girons, Ariège, Occitanie, France. An ultramafic plutonic rock composed of >40% olivine with subordinate <5% hornblende, >5% orthopyroxene and >5% clinopyroxene. A petrological term for Clinopyroxene Subgroup. A petrological term for Orthopyroxene Subgroup.
Lherzolite - SpringerLink
Lherzolite is an ultramafic rock first identified at the Etang du Lherz in the Pyrenees in 1797, and first described from this and other Pyrenean localities by Lacroix (1894). The original rock consists of olivine, two pyroxenes—a calcic clinopyroxene and a magnesian orthopyroxene—and accessory spinel.
Lherzolite vs Harzburgite - Compare Nature
Lherzolite is a type of ultramafic igneous rock which contains essential olivine and clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene in equal proportions. Harzburgite is a plutonic rock of the peridotite group consisting largely of orthopyroxene and olivine. These …
A melting model for variably depleted and enriched lherzolite …
Jun 20, 2012 · The resulting model of lherzolite melting can identify the pressure and temperature of last equilibration with the mantle for a primitive basaltic magma, or be used in a forward model of melting lherzolite with a specific bulk composition.
Geochemistry and origin of the basal lherzolites from the northern …
Feb 27, 2003 · Two types of lherzolite (Type I and Type II) were identified on the basis of their field occurrence, petrographic and geochemical characteristics. Type I lherzolites, with porphyroclastic microstructure, are sporadically distributed in the basal mylonite domain.
Lherzolite pebble with coarse greenish olivine (forsterite) crystals covered with orange earthy iron oxides. Specimen size 5x4x2 cm. This locally rare rock originated in the deep depths of the earth's mantle and was brought to the surface by tremendous tectonic …