French Ley Lines, Melusine and the Spring of Barenton - Blogger
May 22, 2016 · I’d been following another ley line, one that I believe has never been mapped out before. I heard about this ley line recently in a talk by Yuri Leitch, it connects Glastonbury Tor with Mont Saint Michel in France and has been called by some the Excalibur Ley Line.
Ley line - Wikipedia
Ley lines (/ leɪˈlaɪnz /) are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures, prehistoric sites and prominent landmarks. The idea was developed in early 20th-century Europe, with ley line believers arguing that these alignments were recognised by ancient societies that deliberately erected structures along them.
Leylines Map - All about ley lines | maps.leylines.net
leylines.net documents, researches and archives ley lines and places of high energy and tries to find a global network that connects local ley lines to a large energy network.
Lignes de Ley : La force secrète de la nature que les Anciens ...
Jun 13, 2019 · Les lignes Ley sont des lignes qui sillonnent le globe, comme les lignes latitudinales et longitudinales, qui sont parsemées de monuments et de reliefs naturels, et qui emportent avec elles des rivières d’énergie naturelle.
Ley Lines, Ancient Flight Plans, And Their Mind ... - The Ancient …
Aug 30, 2024 · Most of these so-called ley lines are found in England and in France, although they are not limited to these two countries. They are basically geographic markings of a number of places of historical interest, such as ancient monuments and …
Ley Lines: Understanding the Hidden Streams of Energy in Your ...
Perhaps the hundreds of quartz filled, large standing stones at Carnac, France, are just an ancient world telephone exchange! Ley lines on a local level radiate from places of worship, town halls, governments or palaces into the community to communicate messages from the ‘powers that be’ to the unsuspecting townsfolk.
Ley lines : ces forces invisibles qui nous influencent - Viversum
Les ley lines, ou alignement de sites, pourraient être les témoins des champs électromagnétiques et énergétiques qui traversent la Terre. Et ces lignes auraient des effets sur les hommes, parfois à leur insu.
St. Michael Ley Line Map - Vortex Hunters
May 24, 2022 · This is an interactive map showing the most well-known of all leylines, St Michael's Leyline, The St. Michael's Ley, or the Saint Michael Alignment. The line aligns with the path of the Sun on the 8th May, the festival of St Michael.
Uncovering St Michael's Ley Line: Sacred Energetic Pathways
Sep 29, 2022 · Welcome to an enchanting expedition along the St. Michael’s Ley Line, a hidden trail that weaves through time, connecting ancient wonders with a touch of magic. Ley lines are mysterious energetic lines that cross on our planet.
Ley-Lines : Énergies Terrestres Mystérieuses - Formation …
Les ley-lines, terme popularisé par l'écrivain ésotérique Alfred Watkins dans les années 1920, font partie intégrante de la géobiologie. Elles sont décrites comme des lignes imaginaires parcourant la surface de la Terre et reliant des lieux d'intérêt historique, religieux ou spirituel.