What is the difference between legato and portamento?
Legato is smooth transition from one note to another. Exactly that. One specific note to another specific note.
notation - Is there a difference between a slur and legato? - Music ...
Legato technique is required for slurred performance, but unlike slurring (as that term is interpreted for some instruments), legato does not forbid rearticulation. In standard notation legato is indicated either with the word legato itself, or by a slur (a curved line) under the notes that are to be joined in one legato group.
Legato and staccato in Mozart? - Music: Practice & Theory Stack …
Jul 4, 2018 · Legato for the movement doesn't mean every single note has to be legato. It could mean that you might wish to play the staccato notes slightly less staccato than you would in a movement not marked legato. It's really up to you. I personally think that movement sounds better if the staccato notes are "mezzo-staccato."
Default connection of notes in sheet music
Aug 9, 2021 · There are lots of ways to play it, but "every note legato", or "every note disconnected" would both be a little weird. By default I think most people would group it into two or four bar legato phrases that end on the long sustained notes. (So, for example, you might add a break after the first B natural and after the following B flat).
legato - Terminology for Note Hold/Released Fractions in Rhythm ...
Aug 7, 2023 · Legato refers to how the note connects to the next one, and I see it used it music software. E.g. legato quantization typically means "extend the end of the note up to the start of the next one". Legato overlap means extending note beyond the start of the next one (typically expressed in absolute time units, not percentage). Legato note ...
Understanding and distinguishing piano slurs and phrases
Feb 2, 2017 · They mean that the notes should be joined together (legato), except for the last note which is played slightly shorter than its written value. To be honest, Longer slurs don't mean very much in most piano music, except for a general indication to play legato, and to show the way the notes are grouped into phrases (which are often 4 bars long).
How to practice legato slide on the guitar? What constitutes …
Feb 24, 2021 · I'm trying to play a song with lots of slides ("Honky Tonk Women"), and I found myself incapable of producing a convincing sound out of them. Sometimes I don't stop sliding exactly at the...
What is the difference between with or without legato in singing?
Sep 4, 2015 · In classical singing, legato means a string of sustained vowels with minimal interruption from consonants. It also notes that for classical singing, legato is a default state, if you're not told to emphasize the attack part of notes, you run phrases together.
Staccato and legato on a violin simultaneously? [duplicate]
Jan 7, 2024 · As far as I know, the dot above a note means that the player is supposed to play that note very shortly (staccato), while a curve above two or more than two notes means that the notes are to be played in a "mingled way", that is, smoothly transitioning from one to another.
notation - Can legato notes be played staccato? - Music: Practice ...
Legato literally means "bound together" - the sounds are connected. Staccato literally means "detached" - there's a space between the sounds. So you can't have a phrase that is both staccato and legato. But the symbol we use for legato, the curved line over a set of notes, is also called a "phrase mark". And phrases are not necessarily all legato.