Leffe Brune is an authentic abbey beer. Both its deep, dark brown colour and its full, slightly sweet flavour can be ascribed to the use of darkly roasted malt, making every sip exceptional. Aroma: Roasted, fruity.
Leffe Brune / Brown | Abbaye de Leffe S.A. - BeerAdvocate
Leffe Brune / Brown is a Belgian Dark Ale style beer brewed by Abbaye de Leffe S.A. in Dinant, Belgium. Score: 86 with 2,096 ratings and reviews. Last update: 03-13-2025.
Leffe brune 6.5°-1/3L - BelgianSHop
Apr 11, 2022 · Leffe brune 6.5°-1/3L brewed by AB-Inbev is delivered worldwide. Rich, dark and abundantly fruity, Leffe Brune by the Abbaye de Leffe is a quintessential Abbaye Brune beer full of authentic plum and spice notes.
Belgian Leffe Brune Recipe - Homebrew Talk
Feb 22, 2014 · Anyone tried to brew a Leffe brune (brown) clone? I found some recipes on the forum, but not any comment... This brown Abbey beer is so good!!! Here's what I found:
Leffe - Wikipedia
Various Leffe beers. The abbey of Leffe was founded in 1152 on the river Meuse in the province of Namur in southern Belgium. Like many monasteries across Europe, the Premonstratensian (Norbertine) canons of the Notre-Dame de Leffe abbey [] brewed ale, starting in 1240. [1]The Notre-Dame de Leffe abbey in Dinant, the original building from the Leffe beer logo
Leffe Brune 750 Ml - Tesco Groceries
Leffe Brune is the perfect balance between a discreetly bitter, yet slightly caramelised taste. Hints of coffee and chocolate provide this beer with an even more desirable flavour
Leffe Brune 0,33l bei REWE online bestellen! REWE.de
Leffe Brune ist voll und würzig. Den aromatischen Antrunk dominieren Vanille, Nelken, Karamell und Banane. Der intensive Malzkörper und die zarte Hefe tragen eine belgische Süße ins Bier und schenken der Rezenz eine angenehme Herbe. Im Abgang malzig-süß und angenehm fruchtig. Bierstil: Belgisches Bier. Geschmack: hefebetont, malzig-röstig.
Buy Online Leffe Brune 0,0% - 1/3L - 1/3L - Belgian Shop
Apr 20, 2022 · Leffe Bruin 0.0% is the first completely alcohol-free dark abbey beer in Belgium. It has a deep autumnal brown color and a roasted aroma with hints of caramel.
Leffe Brune / Bruin - Bierwertung.de
Feb 20, 2023 · Leffe Brune / Bruin-Test: Wir bewerten das Bier nach Geschmack, Geruch und Aroma und zeigen Euch günstige Leffe Brune / Bruin-Angebote.
- Reviews: 4
Leffe Brune / Bruin 6.5% - Abbaye de Leffe (AB InBev)
Leffe Brown’s soft, deep brown colour and the perfect balance between a discreetly bitter yet slightly caramelised taste can be ascribed to age-old traditions. Hints of coffee and chocolate provide this beer with an even more desirable flavour.
- Reviews: 4.7K