Lumbar Disc Herniation - Spine - Orthobullets
Mar 5, 2025 · Lumbar Disc Herniation is a very common cause of low back pain and unilateral leg pain, known as radiculopathy. In rare cases a large disc herniation can lead to Cauda Equina Syndrome which requires emergent diagnosis and treatment. Diagnosis is made clinically and confirmed with an MRI studies of the lumbar spine.
The Radiology Assistant : Lumbar Disc Herniation
Dec 14, 2014 · In this article a systematic approach to patients with nerve root compression in the lumbar region is presented. We wil discuss disc herniation, facet arthrosis, synovial cysts, spondylolisthesis and epidural lipomatosis. The images can be enlarged by clicking on them.
Far lateral lumbar disc herniation part 1: Imaging, …
Far lateral lumbar disc herniations (FLLDH) represent a separate category of disc pathology which includes both intraforaminal and extraforaminal lumbar disc herniations, that are characterized by a peculiar clinical presentation, diagnostic and ...
Far Lateral Lumbar Disc Herniations - Musculoskeletal Key
Mar 22, 2019 · Far lateral disc herniations (FLDHs) of the lumbar spine represent a relatively rare condition in which the site of neural element compression is located lateral to the neuroforamen. In contrast with posterolateral herniations that typically involve the traversing nerve root, extraforaminal herniations characteristically affect the exiting root ...
Lumbar Disc Herniation - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Aug 23, 2023 · Lateral flexion and extension views are useful in assessing spinal instability. Narrowed intervertebral space, traction osteophytes, and compensatory scoliosis on X-ray are findings that usually suggest lumbar disc herniation.
Lateral Disc Herniations - NSPC Brain & Spine Surgery
Aug 23, 2022 · A patient who presents with a far lateral disc that is extraforaminal and is lateral to the facet complex, a lateral approach can be accomplished. There have been numerous techniques described to access the disc herniation without having to perform a traditional hemilaminectomy.
Disc Herniation - Physiopedia
Lateral Disc Herniation - Nerve root compression happens above the level of herniation. L4 nerve root is most often involved. Stages Of Herniation [edit | edit source] There are four stages of herniated discs : Bulging; Protrusion; Extrusion; Sequestration (see image below)
Clinical Presentation and Outcomes of Patients With a Lumbar Far ...
A far lateral herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) represents anywhere from 0.7% to 11.7% of all lumbar disc protrusions. 5 The clinical presentation of patients with far lateral disc herniations has subtleties that may distinguish them from central and paracentral herniations.
Identified the buldging disc after cautious microdissection and nerve root mobilization. Removed the disc fragment without using a hand-held nerve root retractor. Closure with re-approximation of paraspinous musculature. Followed by routine fascial, subcutaneous, and skin closure.
Clinical Presentation and Outcomes of Patients With a Lumbar Far ...
Objectives: Examine pre- and postoperative outcomes between patients presenting with a central/paracentral versus a far lateral herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) and assess whether significantly worse postoperative outcomes, assessed via patient self-reported survey, are associated with far lateral disc herniations.