Laptop - Wikipedia
Laptops combine many of the input/output components and capabilities of a desktop computer into a single unit, including a display screen (usually 11–17 in or 280–430 mm in diagonal size), small speakers, a keyboard, and a pointing device (namely compact ones such as …
Laptop - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Using laptops. A laptop is a computer which is easy to carry around. A modern laptop is self-contained, with a screen, keyboard and pointing device (like a touchpad or pointing stick), plus usually, speakers, a microphone and a camera (webcam).
Computer - Wikipedia
A computer is a machine that can be programmed to automatically carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations (computation). Modern digital electronic computers can perform generic sets of operations known as programs. These programs enable computers to perform a wide range of tasks.
History of laptops - Wikipedia
The history of laptops describes the efforts, begun in the 1970s, [1] to build small, portable personal computers that combine the components, inputs, outputs and capabilities of a desktop computer in a small chassis.
Laptop – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Laptop (z ang. lap - kolana, podołek + top - wierzch), notebook (z ang. notebook, notatnik, zeszyt) – rodzaj przenośnego komputera osobistego. Do podtypów laptopów można zaliczyć ultrabooki i netbooki. Urządzeniami mniejszymi od laptopów są tablety i smartfony, które również są przenośnymi komputerami, choć nie są zgodne z IBM PC.
Laptop computer | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica
Jan 15, 2025 · Laptop computer, portable personal computer that features a screen, touch pad, and alphanumeric keyboard. Laptops usually have a clamshell design, in which the screen is located on the interior of the upper lid and the keyboard is located on the interior of the lower lid.
Computer | Definition, History, Operating Systems, & Facts
4 days ago · As of November 2021 the most powerful computer in the world is the Japanese Fugaku, developed by RIKEN and Fujitsu. It has been used to model COVID-19 simulations. How do programming languages work? Popular modern programming languages, such as JavaScript and Python, work through multiple forms of programming paradigms.
Laptop - Computer Wiki | Fandom
Laptops combine many of the input/output components and capabilities of a desktop computer into a single unit, including a display screen (usually 11–17 in or 280–430 mm in diagonal size), small speakers, a keyboard, and a pointing device (namely compact ones such as …
Computer - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Computers come in different shapes and sizes, depending on the brand, model, and purpose. They range from small computers, such as smartphones and laptops, to large computers, such as supercomputers.
List of laptop brands and manufacturers - Wikipedia
The vast majority of laptops on the market are manufactured by a small handful of Taiwan-based original design manufacturers (ODM), although their production bases are located mostly in mainland China. Quanta Computer pioneered the contract manufacturing of laptops in 1988.