What is the difference between Lantus/Levemir and …
May 1, 2007 · Ok, as diabetics, again, we make no insulin (or Type 2's are resistant to it) so you inject your rapid acting insulin (Novolog, Humalog, Apidra, Novorapid) to cover your meal. This …
took Lantus instead of novolog | Diabetes Daily Forums
Jul 24, 2008 · I took 32 units of Humalog instead of Lantus once. I drank nearly a quart of OJ (slight exaggeration) and headed for the emergency room. When I got there, they gave me …
lantus and novolog | Diabetes Daily Forums
May 9, 2008 · Divide your total daily dose (Lantus + Novolog) into 500, and the answer is your starting point. So if you use 60 units of insulin a day, 500/60 = 8.3. So for each 8 grams of …
Taking shots at the same time affect anything? - Diabetes Daily
Apr 14, 2009 · I forget the reason, but I think it has to do with the Ph of the Lantus and the Novolog being different. If they are mixed together, even in your body (inject the two within an …
ratio of Lantus to Novolog? | Diabetes Daily Forums
Dec 9, 2008 · So I'm beginning to worry I'm doing something wrong because I take 28 units of Lantus each evening (fasting BS usually around 100) but I only use about 15 units of Novolog …
HELP!!! Took more Lantus instead of Novolog for meal by accident
Oct 19, 2013 · Lantus is theoretically good for 24 hours, so divide the units of extra bolus insulin taken by 24. That result is how much extra insulin is there per hour, so just multiply the hourly …
Using the same needle tip for novolog and lantus
Apr 28, 2012 · Cross contamination . . . Lantus is in suspension in an acid and while the chance may well be remote any humalog or other fast acting insulin that found it's way into the Lantus …
How Much Novolog and Lantus is Too Much? - Diabetes Daily
May 29, 2011 · Just a quick question. It seems that the longer I'm a diabetic, the more Novolog and Lantus it takes to control it. Especially since I can no longer take Metformin because of the …
Novolin R replacing Novolog | Diabetes Daily Forums
Jan 16, 2019 · I have never taken Novolog or any newer insulin (that worked), but by the charts Novolog onset is 10-20 minutes and peak is 40-50 minutes. Regular R onset is 30-60 minutes, …
Only have Novolog - take it or wait for Lantus? - Diabetes Daily
Oct 4, 2008 · The dietician was the most helpful (though the nurse helped with figuring insulin to carb ratios- which will likely change with the Lantus- and can be different throughout the day). …