Laertes - Mythopedia
Jul 5, 2023 · Laertes, son of Arcesius, was the king of Ithaca and a hero who participated in several notable exploits, including the voyage of the Argonauts and, in some traditions, the Calydonian boar hunt. With his wife Anticleia , Laertes fathered Odysseus , one of the heroes who fought in the Trojan War.
Anticleia - Mythopedia
Mar 11, 2023 · Anticleia was the daughter of Autolycus, the wife of Laertes, and the mother of Odysseus. Anticleia died of sorrow while waiting for her son Odysseus to return from Troy; in the Odyssey, Odysseus speaks to her shade when he travels to the Underworld.
Odysseus - Mythopedia
Apr 28, 2023 · Odysseus, son of Laertes and Anticleia, was a Greek hero and the king of the island of Ithaca. He married the beautiful princess Penelope and had one son by her, Telemachus. Described by Homer as the “man of twists and turns,” Odysseus was noted above all for his intelligence and cunning.
Odyssey: Book 24 (Full Text) - Mythopedia
Then thus Minerva in Laertes’ ear: “Son of Arcesius, reverend warrior, hear! Jove and Jove’s daughter first implore in prayer, Then, whirling high, discharge thy lance in air.” She said, infusing courage with the word. Jove and Jove’s daughter then the chief implored, And, whirling high, dismiss’d the lance in air.
Polyphemus – Mythopedia
Mar 22, 2023 · Cyclops, if any one of mortal men shall ask thee about the shameful blinding of thine eye, say that Odysseus, the sacker of cities, blinded it, even the son of Laertes, whose home is in Ithaca. This proved to be a terrible mistake: now that he knew Odysseus’ name, Polyphemus begged his father, Poseidon, to punish the man who had blinded him.
Agamemnon – Mythopedia
Jul 12, 2023 · Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, was a general and hero who led the Greek army to victory in the Trojan War. He was later murdered by his wife Clytemnestra.
Ithaca - Mythopedia
Jul 5, 2023 · Odysseus’ father Laertes ruled before him. The story of Odysseus’ drawn-out return to Ithaca after the Trojan War is the subject of the Odyssey, one of the Homeric epics. In this poem, Odysseus is away from his kingdom for a total of twenty years. Despite this prolonged absence, he is not replaced by a new king.
Odyssey: Book 16 (Full Text) - Mythopedia
Ah me! I boast no brother; heaven’s dread King Gives from our stock an only branch to spring: Alone Laertes reign’d Arcesius’ heir, Alone Ulysses drew the vital air, And I alone the bed connubial graced, An unbless’d offspring of a sire unbless’d!
Odyssey: Book 19 (Full Text) - Mythopedia
Argument The Discovery of Ulysses to Euryclea. Ulysses and his son remove the weapons out of the armoury. Ulysses, in conversation with Penelope, gives a fictitious account of his adventures; then assures her he had formerly entertained her husband in Crete; and describes exactly his person and dress; affirms to have heard of him in Phaeacia and …
Odyssey: Book 17 (Full Text) - Mythopedia
Argument. Telemachus returning to the city, relates to Penelope the sum of his travels. Ulysses is conducted by Eumaeus to the palace, where his old dog Argus acknowledges his master, after an absence of twenty years, and dies with joy.