Level 1: "Habitable Zone" | Backrooms Wiki | Fandom
Level 1 is the 2nd level of the Backrooms, and one of the only levels wanderers can enter directly through The Frontrooms. General Description Level 1 resembles a typical warehouse, with fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling, occasional machinery such as …
Level 1 - The Backrooms
Level 1 is the 2nd Level of the Backrooms. Description: Level 1 is a large, sprawling warehouse that features concrete floors and walls, exposed rebar, and a low-hanging fog with no discernable source. The fog often coalesces into condensation, forming puddles on …
Level 1 Guide - Escape The Backrooms Wiki
Level 1 Room 1 Instructions. After you spawn, head to the garage with colored cars (look on Images to help section to see how the doors look like). Then note down colors (e.g.: 2 red, 1 green, 1 blue). Then go back to elevator and click "F" …
Level 1 - The Habitable Zone - Escape The Backrooms Wiki
Level 1 is a massive parking garage and warehouse with Office Rooms and a lot of Almond Water. This is also the Level where your Sanity will... "DON'T TRUST THEM!"
Level 1 | Backrooms: Escape Together Wiki | Fandom
Level 1, known as "Habitable Zone", is the second level of Backrooms: Escape Together. All that this level requires is to repair 5 backup generators. However, it can be difficult to repair them while staying away from the Skin-Stealers, as they take about 10 seconds to repair and any...
Levels List - The Backrooms
Levels often contain sub-levels—levels that are related to their parent level but are still their own distinct level. They may also contain rooms in locations that are too small to be considered their own level. Usually, they are places in an existing level, but that is not always the case.
Level 1 (Archived) - The Backrooms
Level 1 usually leads to Level 2 or back to Level 0. In Level 1 , it is possible to find "Holes" in the walls that will lead to Level 19 which are very rare. Entering a dark wall can rarely lead to Level 28 .
The Backrooms Level 1 - "The Habitable Zone" - YouTube
The full summary on Level 1 of the Backrooms - "The Habitable Zone". Sources: http://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/, https://backrooms.fandom.com/fConsider subs...
Level -1: "Grayscale Halls " | Backrooms Wiki | Fandom
Level -1, also known as "Grayscale Halls," is the 1st negative level of the Backrooms. Level -1 is known for its expansive array of concrete hallways, resemblant of an old hotel. The hotel is characterized by its shifting wallpaper, which changes...
The Backrooms Level Database | Backrooms Wiki | Fandom
A level is a spatial anomaly, infinite or finite, which have strange properties differing from other levels. The most regular places within The Backrooms are it's many halls - large labyrinth-esque structures which can be disorienting to some.