LNG LOs sign Kroton deal - Post Courier
THE landowners of the PNG-LNG Pipeline and Plant site became official shareholders in the Kroton shares after signing the Kroton Equity unit application last week. The signing would enable beneficiaries to exercise their Kroton Equity option using Kumul Petroleum Holdings Limited (KPHL) Vendor Finance option.
PNG LNG is an integrated development that is commercialising the gas resources of Papua New Guinea. Our operations are producing approximately 7.9 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas each year which we export to four major customers in the Asia region.
PNG LNG Landowners to access K22 million - Pacific Mining Watch
Aug 2, 2022 · THE Petroleum Development License 7 (PDL 7) landowners of the PNG LNG project area will be the first group to access benefits under the Kroton Equity Option. This was recently made possible through the establishment of the Kroton Laitepo Holdings Limited.
KPHL makes K35.3 million Kroton Equity dividend payment to PDL2
Feb 22, 2024 · KUMUL Petroleum Holdings Limited has announced that all necessary verification has been completed with the representative company of the PDL2 landowners, enabling them to receive their portion of accrued Kroton Equity Option preferential dividends.
PNG Government paying LNG Landowners - Pacific Mining Watch
The Papua New Guinea Government through the Kumul Petroleum Holdings Ltd (KPHL) will start paying landowners under the Kroton Equity of the PNG LNG project next week, says managing director Wapu Sonk. He told The National that they would start payments on Tuesday.
Kroton Equity Option receives K251.82 million dividend
Dec 15, 2021 · Five provincial governments will, for the first time, receive K251.8 million dividend payments from a massive K551.82 million dividend declared by Kumul Petroleum Holdings Limited.
KPHL finalises purchase of 2.6% interest in PNG LNG Project!
Nov 4, 2024 · KPHL’s shareholding in the PNG LNG Project has now increased to 19.4%, including the 4.27% Kroton Equity Option shareholding, held for beneficiaries which are impacted provincial governments and landowner groups.
"Kumul Petroleum recognition means KEO dividend payment to …
Aug 5, 2022 · Papua New Guinea’s national oil and gas company, Kumul Petroleum Holdings Limited announced today that all necessary eligibility process verifications had been completed with the PDL 7 landowners, so that they were able to receive accrued Kroton Equity Option (KEO) preferential dividends.
Shares secured for PNG LNG Landowners - Papua New Guinea …
Jan 12, 2017 · Four beneficiary groups in the PNG LNG project, including the Western Provincial government have finally secured the Kroton Equity option enable them to have shares in the project.
Santos Completes Sale of PNG LNG Stake to Kumul Petroleum for …
Nov 5, 2024 · This latest purchase increases KPHL’s shareholding in PNG LNG to 19.2 percent, incorporating the 4.27 percent Kroton Equity Option, which is held on behalf of provincial governments and landowner groups impacted by the project.