Siegel - LMU München
Das Siegel der LMU symbolisiert auf moderne Art und Weise die traditionelle Vergangenheit der Universität und wird nach Möglichkeit bei allen Gestaltungen als zusätzliches grafisches Schmuckelement eingesetzt.
Siegel Lab - Biomedical Center - LMU München
Prof. Dr. Nicolai Siegel. Molecular Parasitology Divisions of Physiological Chemistry and Experimental Parasitology +49 89 2180 77098 [email protected]. Research Topics. Chromatin organization; Genome architecture; Antigenic variation; Trypanosoma brucei
Siegel - Experimental Parasitology - LMU Munich
Group Leader Molecular Parasitology.
Home - Molecular Parasitology - LMU München
The Siegel group aims to elucidate the mechanisms that control cell-to-cell heterogeneity in a population across different scales, i.e. how differences in genome sequence, chromatin organization and 3D genome architecture influence the expression of different surface antigens.
Nicolai Siegel - Physiological Chemistry - LMU Munich
Siegel Lab website. Our lab is located at the Department of Physiological Chemistry (Chair: Prof. Andreas Ladurner) at the Biomedical Center Munich.
Siegel, Nicolai - SFB 1064 - LMU Munich
since 2018 Member of the LMU-Cambridge Strategic Partnership Programm: Molecular interactions between protozoan pathogens and their mammalian hosts; 2017 - 2019 Member of the center for Integrated Protein Science Munich, DFG-funded Cluster of Excellence; Selected CRC-related publications
Prof. Dr. Nicolai Siegel - Physiological Chemistry - LMU Munich
Biomedical Center Munich Department of Physiological Chemistry Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Großhaderner Str. 9 82152 Planegg-Martinsried Germany
Supervisor05/11 Nicolai Siegel – Cell2Cell.eu
Nicolai Siegel Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich Dept. Veterinary Science, Molecular Parasitology Cell2Cell Co-coordinator Supervisor ESR 5 & 11 [email protected]. Webpage
Professor Nicolai Siegel - Experimental Parasitology - LMU
Using the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of African sleeping sickness, our research aims to elucidate some of the very fundamental and evolutionarily conserved mechanisms of chromatin formation.
Contact page - Biomedical Center - LMU München
Prof. Dr. Nicolai Siegel. Biomedical Center, Division of Physiological Chemistry and Division for Experimental Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine