44781 - National Preservation
Jun 8, 2014 · LMS Black 5 no 44781 was used for filming of the film The Virgin Soldiers at Bartlow in Essex, for which it was derailed and hung at an angle for visual effect. After filming was completed, an antique dealer enthusiast from Saffron Waldon purchased her, but was unable to find the amount quoted by BR to recover the engine and re-rail it.
LMS Black 5 5025 - National Preservation
Apr 9, 2014 · Having grown up with 5025 in LMS black I'm looking forward to seeing her come back in that livery, though I would like to see her in BR black as she was one of the last 5's left at Carnforth at the end of steam (5025 was a standby engine …
Preserved Black 5's - National Preservation
Jun 6, 2008 · A pleasant reminder of how smart 44932 looked in lined green. Be nice if an owner of one saw fit to offer a nostalgic recreation of those early heritage era days.
Black 5 workings | National Preservation
Jan 11, 2009 · in the archive from 18/7/53 and 6/9/61 on the 5,20 (. 5.18 ) Southend departure with 44530 and 44243. In the 1930s 4Fs we’re regularly used. ( there is a DSMBarrie timed log with some spirited running ) As an aside. Until 1899 the Midland supplied all motive power on the St Pancras trains, a regular performer
LMS Black 5 5025 | Page 10 | National Preservation
Jun 7, 2021 · Add to which the 6" difference in driver size and the most obvious (for me at least) the (Apologies for the terminology) cylinder protruding in the...
Stanier Black 5's | National Preservation
Jun 6, 2008 · Collection of photos of the Stanier Black 5’s This collection features 45020-45065 built 1934 B.R. era Including this photo by Tony Gillett of now preserved 45025
LMS Black 5 5025 | Page 5 | National Preservation
May 13, 2021 · Out of interest, is that a cut-out in the main steampipe cover of 5025, or is something standing on the running plate in front of it? If it's a...
Royston shed 55D 1966 near Cudworth Pt 1 LMS Black 5 + Stanier …
Jun 6, 2008 · I have added a large collection of photos featuring locos on and around Royston shed 55D 1966 near Cudworth Mainly Stanier Black 5’s and 8F’s and a...
LMS Black 5 5025 | Page 15 | National Preservation
Jul 1, 2021 · 5025 is now in the carriage shed for painting. [ATTACH] At last we're at the most important part of 5025's overhaul, the repaint! And what's the...
LMS Black 5 5025 | Page 11 | National Preservation
Jun 8, 2021 · I took it that @S.A.C. Martin's comment "191 locos, 10 boiler types, two major rebuilds, indifferent steaming at start, very much not standard within...