Potentiometer with LM317 - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
Jul 30, 2013 · I am trying to make an adjustable power supply with an LM317 and a potentiometer. The only problem was that there were some conflicting schematics online about how to connect everything. Can some p...
Problem with LM317 and digital pot | All About Circuits
Apr 27, 2008 · I have a problem trying to adjust the LM317 voltage with a digital pot (MCP41050, 50K). I have placed the pot in parallel with a 3,3K(R2) resistor and this makes me adjust the resistance from 3095ohm to about 270ohm+- (measured).
arduino - X9C103 10k digital potentiometer with LM317 0 - 20 V …
May 15, 2021 · Maximum voltage on the digital pot resistive elements is +5V, as specified in the X9C103 datasheet. There are other digital pots which can deal with higher voltages, but also keep in mind the minimum load current on the LM317, which may be too much for a digital pot if you try to use the resistive divider for that purpose.
How to Use LM317 for Making a Variable Power Supply Circuit
Nov 10, 2024 · Learn comprehensively how to use and connect LM317 IC to build various types of adjustable power supply circuits.
lm 317 with digital potentiometer - All About Circuits
Nov 12, 2015 · I need to adjust 20 circuits with lm317 and I planned to use a digital potentiometer as suggested in the attached diagram The chip AD711AP is hard to find and expensive, especially because I have to buy 20 units. Can I replace it with a component cheaper and easier to find? Thanks for your help Giorgio
Variable Voltage Power Supply Using The LM317T
The LM317T is an adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulator capable of supplying different DC voltage outputs other than the fixed voltage power supply of +5 or +12 volts, or as a variable output voltage from a few volts up to some maximum value all with currents of about 1.5 amperes.
Question about pot in LM317 circuit - Page 1 - EEVblog
Jan 22, 2016 · So I've built up this basic LM317 circuit to drive three LED's. I want to be able to dim them with a pot so I have used a 2K Linear pot on the adjust. It all works fine BUT the LED's go from off to full bright in the first half turn of the pot. How do …
LM317 potentiometer - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
Apr 24, 2021 · I'm designing a voltage regulator using the LM317, and I've seen people using 2 different configurations when it comes to the potentiometer. I tested both on a simulator and on a breadboard, and both worked. So, is there a best way to use such regulator?
Help with lm317 power supply smoking potentiometer - Page 1
Jul 28, 2015 · Hi guys I am trying to build a 3.5 amp 0-18.5v power supply. I have a problem though with my potentiometer burning out and sometimes R2 turns black. I know its being connected properly. I was thinking it was because the schematic didn't include any protection diodes. Could someone help me with this?
Potentiometer with LM317 - General Electronics - Arduino Forum
Jul 30, 2013 · Are you planning on running the LM317 at full input voltage? If not, you might consider a lower value for the adjustment pot. 5k will get you up to about 27V and make it easier to adjust. I am trying to make an adjustable power supply with an LM 371 and a potentiometer.