vMPF shows my 2015 EPR with "LC" as a rating. Anyone know …
Mar 5, 2016 · Second Character (AF Form 910/911/912): A - APR B - EPR C - FDR To clarify the "C" code on SURFs/CDBs simply means the EPR was completed under the 'new EES' as a "Forced Distributed Report - FDR" and it is not tied to any ratings on …
EPR ratings explained. EC, VC, AC, LC : r/AirForce - Reddit
Jan 18, 2017 · From what I understand, special duty requirements aren't based on your promotion statement. They are based solely on your overall rating. That being said, I'm told that under the new EPR system you need an AC or higher overall rating to be eligible for a DSD special duty.
EPR Codes Explanation : r/AirForce - Reddit
May 5, 2017 · LC - exceeded all standards Spells EVAL. C stands for revision C. Revision B is 1-5. 5B for example if a "firewall 5". Difference between B and C is in B, the rating is also the promote. In C, the promote statement is separate ("Promote Now", "Must Promote", "Promote").
EPR Codes in vMPF : r/AirForce - Reddit
Dec 14, 2015 · B - EPR C - FDR To clarify the "C" code on SURFs/CDBs simply means the EPR was completed under the 'new EES' as a "Forced Distributed Report - FDR" and it is not tied to any ratings on the actual evaluation whatsoever -- same as the "5s" received in years past, that are reflected as a "5B" on the SURF/CDB.
"Promote" on my EPR but LC is my rating : r/AirForce - Reddit
Jun 3, 2017 · The "C" just means it's a forced-distribution report. As opposed to an EPR with a 1-5 rating, which would have a B ("5B" on vMPF) or an old-school APR which would have an A ("9A" on vMPF).
LC rating on an EPR for a SrA? : r/AirForce - Reddit
Jun 7, 2021 · Your rating and your promotion statement are 2 different things. The C basically denotes what era of EPR it is, in this case it’s force distribution. When it inevitably changes again, they’ll have a different identifier. As for the first letter, it’s where your supervisor rated you, so for yours it’s all the way to the right.
Updates to the EPB rating system (as shown in CDB and SURF)
Nov 30, 2023 · The previous EPR system used the "EVAL" acronyms- E: Met some but not all expectations V: Met all expectations A: Exceeded some but not all expectations L: Exceeded most, if not all expectations Get it EVAL. Pretty good joke, AFPC..... Edit: As stated below the C refers to Forced Distribution.
LC Rating and waps testing : r/AirForce - Reddit
Jun 22, 2016 · I failed a PT test before my EPR in 2015, which caused me ineligible to test because of a referral. This years EPR finally closed out and I finally got a test date for E6. I have a "Promote" statement as well as the LC rating in CDB and vMPF. The only EPR that counts on this cycle is my current one. Should be same for you.
EPR Ratings and Retraining : r/AirForce - Reddit
Nov 22, 2016 · How many people received an "LC" rating on their EPR versus an "AC" rating or a "VC" rating? I honestly believe people are overlooking the importance of these letter ratings in favor of additional promotion points. Just curious if everyone is getting the "LC" just like everyone used to get a 5 on their EPR. Thanks in advance.
New EPR LC : r/AirForce - Reddit
Aug 4, 2016 · New EPR LC So I was on maternity leave when I recieved my latest EPR so I was never able to ask questions since my flight chief signed it for me. I am a SRA and tested for staff this year.