Kurpie - Wikipedia
Kurpie (Polish pronunciation:) is one of a number of ethnic regions in Poland, noted for its unique traditional customs, such as its own types of traditional costume, traditional dance and distinctive type of architecture and livelihoods. Kurpie is also the name of the people of this culture.
Kurpie – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Kurpie – grupa etnograficzna ludności polskiej, zamieszkująca tereny dwóch puszcz mazowieckich: Puszczy Zielonej (zwanej też: Puszczą Kurpiowską lub Zagajnicą) i Puszczy Białej, funkcjonująca również jako określenie regionu kurpiowskiego (inaczej: Kurpiowszczyzna).
Kurpie Białe - Wikipedia
Kurpie Białe is an ethnographic group of Polish people inhabiting the Puszcza Biała region in Mazovia. They are descendants of families settled in the area during the 18th century by the bishops of Płock, the landowners of the forest.
Freedom & Beekeeping: The Kurpie People | Article - Culture.pl
The beautiful Kurpiowska Forest in north-central Poland is home to the Kurpie people, one of Poland’s most distinct ethnographic groups. Historically, the Kurpie were free of serfdom, lived off the forest through beekeeping and hunting, and created a rich and interesting culture.
region i ludzie - Kurpie
Kurpie to zarówno nazwa regionu, jak i osób mieszkających w Puszczy Zielonej. Kurpie zamieszkują także od trzech stuleci tereny sąsiadującej Puszczy Białej. Nazwa mieszkańców regionu pochodzi od noszonego przez nich niegdyś obuwia, zwanego „kurpiami”.
Nasza Polska Rodzina - Kurpie - Google Sites
Kurpie is thought to be an offshoot of the Masovian culture. The Kurpie region covers the Masovian lowlands ( Mazowsze ), and parts of Podlasi, and to a smaller extent Warmia and Mazury...
Kurpie dialect - Wikipedia
The Kurpie dialect (Polish: gwara kurpiowska) belongs to the Masovian dialect group and is located in the part of Poland. It borders the Masurian dialects to the north and the Far Mazovian dialect to the south. [1] The Kurpie dialect is generally well preserved, and a strong cultural connection to the dialect can be felt amongst speakers.
The Kurpie are the “ancestors” of today’s foresters - XYLOPOLIS
Sep 22, 2023 · People living beyond the rivers began to call the inhabitants of the Green Forest Kurpie from the shoes they wear light, braided, laced – also called kurpie. “The Kurpie arrived,” they used to say.
The Kurpie region is the so – called the Green Lungs of Poland. This is the region on the border of Mazovia and Podlasie that is gaining popularity among tourists. Its attractiveness lies not only in its location in two forests: Zielona and Biala, but also in the uniqueness of the culture of the Kurpie people inhabiting these lands: their ...
Kurpie — Syrena Polish Folk Dance Ensemble
Kurpie. From the rich primeval forests of Northeastern Poland comes a robust and rousing suite of dances. Beginning with the dance “Konik” (the horse), men carry in a horse and rider completely constructed from the dancers themselves. Konik breaks apart into a line of men who then proceed to mimic the characteristics of a row of ducks.