Kouhun - Wookieepedia | Fandom
Kouhuns, also known as Indoumodo kouhuns were small, multi-legged arthropods from the jungle planet of Indoumodo that were able to deliver a deadly venom to their victims. As their venom was typically lethal, they were sometimes employed by assassins to kill their targets.
Kouhun | Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki | Fandom
Kouhuns are pale-colored, centipedelike arthropods around 30 centimeters long. Native to the jungle-planet Indoumodo, they are attracted to warmth. In the wild, they live in vast hollow trees and hunt dog-sized creatures that nest in crevices deep in the tree.
Kouhun | Star Wars Databank | StarWars.com
While they originally hail from the jungle planet of Indoumodo, Kouhun’s are adaptable enough to call just about anywhere in the galaxy home. They’re mult-legged arthropods that slink and crawl on just about any surface.
Kouhun (order) - Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Kouhun was a secret criminal cult that operated in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was named after the venomous creature of the same name. Within its ranks were assassins, blackmailers, kidnappers and political manipulators.
Kouhun | Alien Species | Fandom
The kouhun (plural: kouhuns) is a centipede-like creature that inhabits the jungles of Indoumodo; a planet in the Wild Space region known for its dense jungles and thick swamps, and home to some of the most ferocious and poisonous creatures and plants in the galaxy.
Kouhun - Star Wars Saga Edition
Kouhuns are pale-colored, centipedelike arthropods around 30 centimeters long. Native to the jungle-planet Indoumodo, they are attracted to warmth. In the wild, they live in vast hollow trees and hunt dog-sized creatures that nest in crevices deep in the tree.
Star Wars Monsters - Top 10 Scariest Star Wars Creatures
Oct 6, 2011 · 10 – The Kouhun The centipede-like Kouhun supposedly pack a sting so deadly that they’re employed by assassins throughout the galaxy, as seen in episode II when a couple of the scurrying killers are released into Queen Amidala’s quarters.
Kouhun - Saga Edition RPG Omnibus
Kouhun. Kouhuns are pale-colored, centipedelike arthropods around 30 centimeters long. Native to the jungle-planet Indoumodo, they are attracted to warmth. In the wild, they live in vast hollow trees and hunt dog-sized creatures that nest in crevices deep in the tree.
Kouhun | Jedipedia | Fandom
Die Kouhuns sind hochgiftige Arthropoden, die auf dem Planeten Indoumodo heimisch sind. Es sind dicke weiße Gliederfüßer mit schwarzen Beinen, die gefährliche Fresswerkzeuge sowie einen Stachel voll mit Gift besitzen. Da die Kouhuns in ihrem Körper starke Wärmesensoren besitzen, können sie ihre Beute schnell ausfindig machen.
Kouhun | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Kouhuns were vermiform arthropods with segmented bodies, roughly thirty centimeters long, from the jungle world of Indoumodo in Wild Space. Small, silent, and fast, kouhuns were capable of delivering a fatal and quick-acting neurotoxin through their bite, as well as a nonfatal but nonetheless painful sting from their tails.
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