Kilju - Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum
Mar 2, 2010 · Kilju is made from sugar and water. An average fermenter would need six kilos of sugar, the normal amount of water and preferably turbo yeast. what the document doesn't mention is the fact you will need to filter out the sediment prior to bottling otherwise it makes you ill. some other website reccomends using pantyhose to filter it out. anyways,
Is it just me, or is it REALLY expensive to buy commercially made …
Jul 17, 2023 · I've been brewing wines, alcoholic ginger beer and even one or two Finnish kilju for about a year and a half. At the beginning of the week I had a strong desire for beer, but I haven't made any beer yet! So I went into the supermarket a few days ago to buy a beer. I picked up a Coopers sparkling ale. Yum yum
Coopers real ale batch | Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing …
Jun 28, 2020 · So onto brew #4, a Coopers real ale. Day 1 1 x tin Coopers real ale 1/2 kg extra malt brewing sugar 1 kg brew enhancer 2 200ml molasses 25 grams Saaz hops steeped (left over from a Stella clone) Boiled 3 litres spring water, EMBS and 1/2 the BE2 for 30 mins. Got yeast going by mixing packet of...
Temperature For Pitching Yeast | Page 2 - Australia & New …
Oct 3, 2011 · but it was in a batch of Kilju (finnish fermented sugar and lemon water) that conked out around 16%abv (i have made a 25%abv batch through fractional freezing) it was the most vile thing i have ever tasted, and i vomited quite violently after drinking a couple of glasses of it
Strawberry and lime cider recipe
May 23, 2014 · Seriously, the easiest way os to brew a dry cider and add a shot each of strawberry and lime cordial into the glass at serving time.
Lemon Wine | Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum
Nov 11, 2011 · Good Evening AHB's, I recently had a six-month hiatus from brewing. But as every all-grain brewer knows, unless you actually do a full mash etc. it's not brewing. Anyway, someone brought in a bag of lemons to work, so I decided to make lemon wine. So I made up the recipe and scaled it up to...