Kawasaki Ki-48 - Wikipedia
The Kawasaki Ki-48 (Japanese: 九九式雙發輕爆擊機, romanized: kyuukyuu-shiki-souhatu-keibaku-gekki, shortened to 'Soukei', Army Type 99 Twin-engined Light Bomber), is a …
Kawasaki Ki.48 Lily · The Encyclopedia of Aircraft David C. Eyre
May 8, 2019 · The first of four prototypes of the Kawasaki Ki.48 series, which became known by the Allied code-name Lily, flew for the first time in July 1939 and the type was known as the …
Kawasaki Ki-48 "Lily" - Warbirds Resource Group
Performance: Ki-48-IIb Max. Speed: 314 mph (505 kph) Service Ceiling: 33,135 ft. (10,100m) Range: 1,491 miles (2400 km)
Kawasaki Ki-48 Sokei: ‘Lily’ and the Light Bomber’s Campaign
The Kawasaki Ki-48 Sokei ‘Lily’ was a twin-engine light bomber used by Japan in WWII. It participated in key battles such as Kunlun Pass and the Raid on Darwin. ‘Lily’ underwent …
Kawasaki Ki-48 Sokei (Lily) Fast-Bomber / Dive Bomber Aircraft
Jun 1, 2020 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Kawasaki Ki-48 Sokei (Lily) Fast-Bomber / Dive Bomber Aircraft including pictures.
Ki-48-II 'Lily' - OLD DOG'S PLANES
Ki-48-II 'Lily' The Ki-48's design was initiated following the appearance of the Russian SB-2 in the skies over China during the second Sino-Japanese conflict. The SB-2 due to its speed was …
Kawasaki Ki.48 Type 99 (Lilly) Info - daveswarbirds.com
Between July, 1940 and October, 1944, however, a total of 1,977 Ki-48s were built, with almost three-fourths of the planes being produced in the Ki-48-II version. Like so many other …
Kawasaki Ki-48 Type 99 “Lily” - Pacific Eagles
Oct 29, 2015 · The Kawasaki Ki-48 "Lily" was the main light bomber of the Japanese Army Air Force during the Pacific War, seeing extensive service in Burma and New Guinea.
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia: Ki-48 "Lily", Japanese Light …
The Ki-48 was Japan’s answer to the Russian SB-2 bombers encountered in China, which had proven almost as fast as the Ki-27 "Nates" sent to intercept them. Kawasaki received the …
Warplanes of Japan: Kawasaki Ki-48 - silverhawkauthor.com
The Kawasaki Ki-48 (Japanese: 九九式雙發輕爆擊機, romanized: kyuukyuu-shiki-souhatu-keibaku-gekki, shortened to 'Soukei', Army Type 99 Twin-engined Light Bomber), was a …