Why do people have a problem with Kazuya? : r/smashbros - Reddit
Dec 6, 2022 · Kazuya doesn’t have a conventional neutral advantage and disadvantage state like any other character in the game. Either you’re playing and kazuya is suffering or kazuya is playing and you’re just dead. This is something that hasn’t really been a smash phenomenon, and is more of a traditional fgc kind of thing.
Lore Analysis - Comparing Kazuya to Vegeta in Dragon Ball
Feb 9, 2023 · r/Tekken is a community-run subreddit for Bandai Namco Entertainment's Tekken franchise. Tekken is a 3D fighting game first released in 1994, with Tekken 8 being the latest instalment. r/Tekken serves as a discussion hub for all things Tekken, from gameplay, fanart, cosplays and lore to competitive strategy and the Tekken esports scene.
Kazuya - Beginners Guide : r/Tekken - Reddit
Kazuya Guide - Tekken 7 FR This guide is intended for players who are not effortlessly throwing out PEWGFs and all of it's variants. The solution to every -13 blocked frames and up, is not PEWGF it. ==Introduction:== Kazuya has a very straight forward game plan of wiff punishment and heavy damage mixups from wave dash.
Kazuya Mishima Cheat Sheet : r/Tekken - Reddit
r/Tekken is a community-run subreddit for Bandai Namco Entertainment's Tekken franchise. Tekken is a 3D fighting game first released in 1994, with Tekken 8 being the latest instalment. r/Tekken serves as a discussion hub for all things Tekken, from gameplay, fanart, cosplays and lore to competitive strategy and the Tekken esports scene.
Kazuya and Jun's relationship based on official sources
Jan 1, 2023 · Tekken Tag 1 Kazuya Ending (1999) - Devil Kazuya carries Jun in his arms and flies away. Tekken: The Motion Picture (1998) - This anime was distributed by Namco. It's a a very loose adaptation of Tekken 1-2 featuring Jun as the protagonist, trying to save Kazuya from the darkness in his heart.
Why does Jin hate Kazuya? : r/Tekken - Reddit
And Kazuya doesn't struggle with his devil like Jin does, he willingly lets his devil take control anytime it wants. Kazuya, as a man, personality is so evil that when the devil takes over his personality hardly changes if at all. Kazuya's, malevolent nature is so grandiose that it rivals the devil itself. No wonder why Jin wants to kill that guy.
Did Heihachi ever come to love Kazuya? : r/Tekken - Reddit
Sep 25, 2022 · Another proof that Heihachi loves Kazuya is Kaz non-canon ending in T2. Even if most endings are non-canon, most of them show scenarios that are in line with the character's story. In this ending, he took a Beam from Devil to protect Kazuya (of course, Kazuya procedeed to use Heihachi as a meat shield against Devil).
Ryu vs Kazuya : r/Tekken - Reddit
r/Tekken is a community-run subreddit for Bandai Namco Entertainment's Tekken franchise. Tekken is a 3D fighting game first released in 1994, with Tekken 8 being the latest instalment. r/Tekken serves as a discussion hub for all things Tekken, from gameplay, fanart, cosplays and lore to competitive strategy and the Tekken esports scene.
Tekken 8 Kazuya Ultimate Guide (Punishers, Launchers, Key
r/Tekken is a community-run subreddit for Bandai Namco Entertainment's Tekken franchise. Tekken is a 3D fighting game first released in 1994, with Tekken 8 being the latest instalment. r/Tekken serves as a discussion hub for all things Tekken, from gameplay, fanart, cosplays and lore to competitive strategy and the Tekken esports scene.
Is Kazuya truly evil or was it the Devil all along? Tekken 8 ... - Reddit
Jan 27, 2024 · tekken 2 implies that kazuya was struggling between his evil side (devil) and his good side (angel) awakened by by jun influence, at the end he succumbed to the evil side full turning in devil before getting defeated by heihachi. tekken 4 implies that kazuya lost devil powers because half of that went to jin and he wanted jin half back to return to his full power.