Kayin Amoh - Battle Arena Toshinden Wiki
Kayin Amoh is a character in the Battle Arena Toshinden series, and the best friend/rival of main protagonist Eiji Shinjo. Kayin is described as a bounty hunter, though his country of origin has changed a few times.
Kayin Amoh (Battle Arena Toshinden) - Fighters Generation
Apr 26, 2024 · Kayin is a friend of Eiji Shinjo and is a bounty hunter, going by the name of Storm. He was trained in sword-fighting along with Eiji by Eiji's older brother Sho, until he suddenly disappeared.
Kayin Amoh (Toushinden) - MyAnimeList.net
Kayin is a friend of Eiji Shinjo and is described as being a bounty hunter, going by the name of Storm. He was trained in sword fighting along with Eiji by Eiji's older brother Sho, until Sho had suddenly disappeared.
Battle Arena Toshinden - Wikipedia
Kayin Amoh (カイン・アモウ) - A Scottish (later retconned as English) swordsman/bounty hunter, a friend and rival of Eiji. He seeks to avenge the death of his foster father, who was killed by the previous tournament's champion from last year.
Kayin Amoh - Behind The Voice Actors
Incarnations On BTVA: 6 Versions from 6 Titles. Voiced most times by Ryōtarō Okiayu. Images of the Kayin Amoh voice actors from the Battle Arena Toshinden franchise.
Kayin Amoh - Behind The Voice Actors
Chris Orbach is the English dub voice of Kayin Amoh in Battle Arena Toshinden, and Takehito Koyasu is the Japanese voice. TV Show: Battle Arena Toshinden Franchise: Battle Arena Toshinden Incarnations
Battle Arena Toshinden Characters - DeviantArt
Kayin Amoh is a fictional, playable character in the Battle Arena Toshinden video game series, and the best friend of main protagonist Eiji Shinjo. Kayin is described as a bounty hunter, though his country of origin has changed a few times.
Kayin Amoh - Tranquil Tirades Wiki
Kayin Amoh is a character in the 1997 Battle Arena Toshinden OVA anime. He is voiced by Hideo Seaver in the English version. Is basically just Ken Masters with a sword Is very close to being...
Kayin Amoh (SAS) | Amazing Arena Wikia | Fandom
Kayin Amoh is the friendly rival of Eiji Shinjo and the adoptive father of Naru Amoh. He hails from the Battle Arena Toshinden series, and is a playable character in Storming All-Stars. Kayin's moveset mostly consists of slashing, thrusting, and kicks.
Kayin Amoh Killed Ten Count With his Rainbow Splash ... - YouTube
Battle arena toshiden 3 Kayin Amoh VS Ten Count Kayin had Soon Killed Ten Count With his Specail Move Rainbow Splash.
Battle Arena Toshinden (anime) - Wikipedia
Eiji, along with his best friend Kayin Amoh, split up to warn the other competitors. Eiji meets up with Sofia, an amnesiac agent and personal friend of his, and explains the situation to her. That night, however, Uranus takes control of Sofia's mind and has her try to kill Eiji, but Eiji fights back and breaks Uranus's hold on her.
Kayin Amoh - Behind The Voice Actors
Sean Owens is the English dub voice of Kayin Amoh in Battle Arena Toshinden, and Ryōtarō Okiayu, Steve 'Bang' Pang are the Japanese voices. Video Game: Battle Arena Toshinden Franchise: Battle Arena Toshinden
Amoh | Battle Arena Toshinden Wiki - Fandom
Amoh, who is also known as and alternatively named Amou is a central secondary story character in the world and story of Battle Arena Toshinden. He is the foster father of Kayin Amoh, and a major figure of tragedy in his backstory.
Naru Amoh - Battle Arena Toshinden Wiki
Naru Amoh is a character in the Battle Arena Toshinden series. She made her first appearance in Battle Arena Toshinden 2 as a background character for Kayin Amoh, but in Battle Arena Toshinden 3, she appeared as both the secret final boss of the game and as an unlockable hidden character.
Kayin Amoh VOICE - Behind The Voice Actors
Ryōtarō Okiayu is the Japanese voice of Kayin Amoh in Battle Arena Toshinden Ura. Video Game: Battle Arena Toshinden Ura Franchise: Battle Arena Toshinden
Kayin Amoh (Character) - Giant Bomb
Sep 16, 2022 · Kayin is a character in the Battle Arena Toshinden series.
Chris Orbach (visual voices guide) - Behind The Voice Actors
Chris Orbach is a voice actor known for voicing Kayin Amoh, and Kurama. Take a visual walk through their career and see 5 images of the characters they've voiced and listen to 1 clip that showcases their performance.
Battle Arena Toshinden (Game) - Giant Bomb
Jan 1, 1995 · Kayin Amoh - A Scottish bounty hunter for the criminal underworld who seeks vengeance against the assassin that murdered his father. Fighting with a sword, he shares his moveset with Eiji and is considered Eiji's main rival.
Kayin Amoh VOICE - Behind The Voice Actors
See image of Ryōtarō Okiayu, the Japanese voice of Kayin Amoh in Battle Arena Toshinden 3 (Video Game).
Kayin Amoh VOICE - Behind The Voice Actors
Ryōtarō Okiayu is the Japanese voice of Kayin Amoh in Battle Arena Toshinden 2. Video Game: Battle Arena Toshinden 2 Franchise: Battle Arena Toshinden