Kerrang! — the best in rock music and alternative culture
Taking metal forward, working with your heroes and why the British scene is thriving: Listen to Employed To Serve on Kerrang! In Conversation Justine and Sammy from Employed To Serve swing by...
karang - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Mar 8, 2025 · karang (plural) coral, a hard substance made of the limestone skeletons of marine polyps. coral reef, a reef formed by compacted coral skeletons.
Terumbu karang - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Terumbu karang tepi atau karang penerus atau fringing reefs adalah jenis terumbu karang paling sederhana dan paling banyak ditemui di pinggir pantai yang terletak di daerah tropis. Terumbu karang tepi berkembang di mayoritas pesisir pantai dari pulau-pulau besar.
Karang language - Wikipedia
Karang language (also called Mbum East or Lakka) is an Mbum language of Cameroon and Chad. There are 27,000 – 32,000 Karang speakers in Cameroon, including 7,000 speakers of the Sakpu dialect (SIL 1991), and 10,000-15,000 speakers of the Nzakmbay dialect (SIL 1998).
Karang Game | Bigwas
Karang is a Filipino traditional race game. This game uses two pieces of cut coconut shell with an abaca string attached. In observance of National Coconut Week and National Coconut Month, the National Museum Bohol highlights the many ways coconuts are creatively used.
What does karang mean in Indonesian? - WordHippo
Need to translate "karang" from Indonesian? Here are 4 possible meanings.
What does Karang mean? - Definitions.net
Information and translations of Karang in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Gunung Karang - Wikipedia
Mount Karang (Sundanese: Gunung Karang, literally, "Mountain of Rock" or "Crag Mountain") is a volcano at the center of Banten, Indonesia. It is also the highest point of the province.
Terumbu Karang: Pengertian, Fungsi, dan Jenis-jenisnya
Sep 2, 2021 · Terumbu karang adalah sekumpulan hewan karang yang bersimbiosis dengan sejenis tumbuhan alga yang disebut zooxanthellae. Fungsi terumbu karang dalam kehidupan manusia dan ekosistem laut sangatlah banyak. Terumbu karang termasuk dalam jenis filum Cnidaria kelas Anthozoa yang memiliki tentakel.
Koral - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Koral adalah penyumbang utama bagi struktur fisik terumbu karang yang berkembang di perairan tropis dan subtropis, seperti Karang Penghalang Besar di lepas pantai Queensland, Australia.