Kaladin 4th Ideal - Stormlight Archive (no WaT) - 17th Shard, the ...
Nov 15, 2020 · Hello, Occasional lurker, first time poster. I've just had an epiphany on Kaladin's 4th ideal. I think the consensus for the fourth ideal is that is something along the lines of "I will …
Who accepted Kaladin 4th ideal - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon ...
Nov 24, 2020 · When Kaladin said the words of his 4th ideal . A curious thing happened . A voice that wasn’t the Stormfather said these words are accepted. It’s a small thing but it has me …
Kaladin's Fourth Ideal : r/Stormlight_Archive - Reddit
Jul 13, 2020 · Yep, I completely agree that the fourth ideal is about him picking a side. The second Ideal drives Kaladin to protect everyone who cannot protect themselves, and that led …
[Oathbringer] Theory on 4th Ideal : r/Stormlight_Archive - Reddit
Mar 10, 2018 · Specifically, Kaladin and the Windrunner 4th ideal. It was fascinating that the 4th ideal was built up as such a big thing in this book, only for Kaladin not to swear it. From a …
Kaladin's 4th Ideal Theory : r/Stormlight_Archive - Reddit
Nov 1, 2020 · So, it's probably the most popular theory that Kaladin's 4th ideal will be "I will forgive myself for those I cannot save" or something with a similar meaning. While this would make …
[OB] Fourth Windrunner Ideal - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon ...
Nov 14, 2017 · So the Fourth Ideal is probably some kind of priority or exception handling so the Windrunner doesn't blue screen (so to speak) as Kaladin does here. That said, I think there …
Does kaladin finally say the 4th ideal in RoW? - Reddit
Dec 2, 2020 · They're misguiding you with these comments btw, Khalidin sadly does not reach the 4 ideal unfortunately, something really bad happens to Syl, and things just get worth for him..
The 4th Ideal of the Windrunners - 17th Shard, the Official …
May 30, 2019 · 2. Windrunners in general seem to have a difficult moral decision to process with the 4th Ideal 3. Kaladin is reckless to the point of self-destruction when it comes to protecting …
Kaladin and the 4th ideal : r/cremposting - Reddit
Jul 26, 2020 · OP is posting a very popular interpretation that resonates strongly with Kaladin's personal journey. My personal theory is that the actual 4th oath will be more severe. Kaladin's …
Kaladin's 4th ideal [SA] [WoK] [WoR] [OB] - Reddit
Jul 29, 2018 · Given that Szeths 4th ideal is the Crusade, which I think is fundamentally about protecting others from your chosen law breakers, I really like this as Kaladins 4th because it …