Keeshond - Wikipedia
Keeshonden) is a medium-sized dog with a plush, two-layer coat of silver and black fur with a ruff and a curled tail. Their closest relatives are the German spitzes such as the Großspitz (Large Spitz), Mittelspitz (Medium Spitz), Kleinspitz (Miniature Spitz), Zwergspitz (Dwarf-Spitz) …
Keeshond Dog Breed Information - American Kennel Club
Purpose-bred dogs can have jobs that require decision-making, problem-solving, concentration, or other qualities, and without the brain exercise they need, they'll create their own...
Keeshond: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care - The Spruce Pets
Feb 16, 2024 · Keeshonds are great dogs with an adorable, unique look and high level of intelligence. These friendly dogs can bark a lot, and can become stressed if left alone too much. They’re perfect for dog parents looking for a close companion.
Keeshond Dog Breed Information & Characteristics - DogTime
Keeshonds are people-lovers; willing to participate in all family activities, they thrive with people who expect this of their dog. They’re lively, alert, and intelligent — qualities that...
Keeshond: Info, Pictures, Facts & Traits – Dogster
2 days ago · The Keeshond is a lively, outgoing dog breed that makes a loving and loyal companion. These medium-sized, intelligent dogs have plush coats and expressive eyes, making them irresistible to dog...
Keeshond Dog Breed Info: Pictures, Characteristics & Facts
Aug 15, 2024 · The Keeshond (pronounced “kayz-hawnd”) is a medium-sized purebred dog that was originally developed in Holland during the Middle Ages. They descend from the same ancient stock as other Spitz-type dogs, including the Finnish Spitz, Samoyed, and Pomeranian.
The Keeshond: Meet The Ancient Dutch Barge Dog of Your …
Apr 24, 2023 · What does a Keeshond look like? A nimble-footed, hardy barge dog, the Keeshond is a spitz dog with a massive and majestic coat. These dogs are identifiable by their fox-like face, pointed ears, plumed tail, and luscious coat. Find out …
Keeshond | VCA Animal Hospitals
The Keeshond is a member of the ancient Spitz family of dogs. It is actually most closely related the Pomeranian and American Eskimo. The exact origin is unknown, but the breed was established in Holland as a watchdog and companion at least by the 18th century.
Kashon Dog Breed Information and Pictures
The Kashon is not a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Cairn Terrier and the Bichon Frise. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed.
General Keeshond Information - KCA
Keeshond are handsome, intelligent dogs with a delightful personality. Their playful, affectionate nature makes them ideal family pets.