Kaftan - Wikipedia
A kaftan or caftan (/ ˈkæftæn /; Arabic: قفطان, qafṭān; Persian: خفتان, khaftān; Turkish: kaftan) is a variant of the robe or tunic. Originating in Asia, it has been worn by a number of cultures around the world for thousands of years. In Russian usage, kaftan instead refers to a style of men's long suit with tight sleeves.
Jewish religious clothing - Wikipedia
Jewish religious clothing is apparel worn by Jews in connection with the practice of the Jewish religion. Jewish religious clothing has changed over time while maintaining the influences of biblical commandments and Jewish religious law regarding clothing and modesty (tzniut).
Bukharan Jews - Wikipedia
Bukharan Jews ranged from religious to traditional, and clustered together (particular those who lived in the Jewish Quarters), while most Ashkenazi Jews living in Central Asia were secular, both structurally and culturally, and assimilated into the general populace.
Kaftan - Judaica IndexJudaica Index
Kaftan-wearing Hasidic Grand Rebbes of the Nadvorna dynasty. Photo: JJ211219, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The Ottoman Origins of the Hasidic Kaftan - Academia.edu
Scholar Cornelia Aust analyzes the historical connection between the Jewish kaftan and the Polish aristocracy during the 17 th and 18 th centuries. This article expands on her work to illuminate the significant influence of the Ottoman Empire …
Caftan | Traditional, Middle Eastern & Moroccan | Britannica
The word caftan (or gaberdine) also refers to a black frock coat worn by Ḥasidic Jews since the European Middle Ages. An ankle-length coatlike garment with wide sleeves became fashionable for women’s evening wear in the mid-20th century and was called a caftan.
The Ottoman Origins of the Hasidic Kaftan - ResearchGate
Jun 25, 2024 · Scholar Cornelia Aust analyzes the historical connection between the Jewish kaftan and the Polish aristocracy during the 17th and 18th centuries. This article expands on her work to illuminate...
Kaftan - Wikiwand
A kaftan or caftan (/ ˈkæftæn /; Arabic: قفطان, qafṭān; Persian: خفتان, khaftān; Turkish: kaftan) is a variant of the robe or tunic. Originating in Asia, it has been worn by a number of cultures around the world for thousands of years. In Russian usage, kaftan instead refers to a style of men's long suit with tight sleeves.
Bukharian Passover Traditions and Recipes - My Jewish Learning
Apr 6, 2020 · Like all Jews, Bukharian Jews celebrate Passover with a seder ceremony and meal. However, we have many Passover traditions and customs that are unique to our community. For example, at the seder we wear the jomah , a colorful Bukharian kaftan (robe) with …
Kaftan - Jewiki
Der Kaftan (entlehnt vor dem 16. Jh. aus türkisch kaftan, von arabisch قفطان, DMG qufṭān, persisch ġaftān‚ unter dem Panzer zu tragendes Gewand) ist ein langes Woll- oder Seidenhemd aus Brust- und Rückenstück, das über den Hüften gegürtet wird. Gewöhnlich trugen Männer den Kaftan bis zu den Kniekehlen, Frauen bis zu den ...