Join Europe's Leading Science Clusters | Kadans
Kadans Science Partner creates and manages bespoke lab and office spaces in 30+ science clusters across Europe, supporting 400+ clients in key research sectors.
Rejoignez les principaux clusters scientifiques d'Europe | Kadans
Avec des Clusters dédiés à l’énergie durable, à l’intégration environnementale et aux solutions matérielles de nouvelle génération, Kadans permet à ses Clients de faire progresser les innovations pour un avenir résilient et respectueux de l’environnement.
Kadans: Bespoke Science Solutions
Today, Kadans operates as an international leader in science and innovation-focused real estate, with a presence across the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, France, and Spain. We proudly serve over 400 clients within 300+ science clusters in six countries.
Kadans: Bespoke Science Solutions
Kadans creates bespoke workspaces and links innovators in life sciences, agri-food, and high-tech.
Sluit je aan bij Europa's toonaangevende clusters | Kadans
Met clusters die zich richten op duurzame energie, milieukundige integratie en next-generation materiaaloplossingen, stelt Kadans jouw bedrijf in staat om vooruitgang te boeken voor een veerkrachtige, milieuvriendelijke toekomst.
Life Sciences & Health Wissenschaftscluster | Kadans
Kadans bietet flexible, maßgeschneiderte Räume in seinen Life Sciences & Health Wissenschaftsclustern, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, sich in einer optimalen Umgebung auf Ihre Forschung zu konzentrieren.
Kadans Science Clusters in France
Kadans supports France’s science clusters with research facilities and innovative spaces for growth.
Team Archive - Kadans Science Partner
Meet the dedicated professionals behind Kadans Science Partner, our team is committed to creating innovative solutions so your company can thrive.
Kadans: Bespoke Science Spaces Across Europe
Kadans has delivered small scale pilot plant facilities across the agritech, food science and biotechnology space. Our pilot plants allow you to test, develop and optimise your processes, products or technologies all tailored to your specific needs.
Life Sciences & Health Science Clusters | Kadans
At Kadans, we understand that each Science Cluster brings unique strengths and resources to the table. Within the Life Sciences & Health sector, we are established within 20 specialised clusters in Europe, composed of companies, scientists and diverse teams of researchers.