KSG Patrol - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Jun 19, 2014 · KSG Patrol Jump to Latest 13K views 42 replies 17 participants last post by AngelDeVille Jul 20, 2015
2 other versions of ksg, patrol and tactical
Mar 26, 2014 · Just because it's on GB, don't make them real. Plenty of GB ads claiming KSG's before they were even out. That being said, I also saw them on GB. Seems odd that even KT's site itself has no mention of them and never has. Not sure what 2 inches buys anyone vs. the "normal" KSG. My wife might disagree on the significance of 2 inches though.
KSG Patrol | Page 3 | Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Jul 15, 2015 · KSG Patrol. Jump to Latest Follow 41 - 43 of 43 Posts. 1 2 3. jbarchitect · Registered. Joined Oct 29 ...
LE agencies using the KSG | Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Nov 29, 2012 · The Border Patrol uses a very popular and common police type shotgun. They do not officially use or even allow the use of personally owned KSG's by their personnel. From what I know of the prison related industry, it is ane SOG type private contractor that is employing the KSG as its go-to shotgun.
KSG LEO Direct Sales | Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Jan 29, 2013 · KelTec Products. KSG Bullpup Shotgun
KSG Slug Accuracy YMMV - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Jun 14, 2014 · Eddie, the KSG is the tactical equivalent of a carbine, and with the right Foster slug loads from it can equal or exceed the accuracy of its military ancestors. I'm pretty sure my KSG could hit at to 200 yards if needed with the Remingon Slugger loads. I hope you enjoyed the history lesson Eddie. Best Wishes:
KSG, Salvo and subsonic ammo | Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Oct 30, 2015 · KSG, Salvo and subsonic ammo Jump to Latest 2K views 6 replies 4 participants last post by jbarchitect Nov 18, 2015
Remedy to the short stroke? - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Sep 8, 2012 · Unfortunately I wound up getting myself broken that year and will likely never wear a badge again. I still stand by my statement from back then and say the KSG could well be the best patrol shotgun available, given the right training and some minor improvements to the design.
Low Recoil buckshot for the KSG - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Nov 30, 2017 · A KSG that's been given a "fluff and buff" smoothing job and a chamber polish gives much less problems and with the Nobelsport shells reliability seems to be perfect. Due to range limitations I couldn't pattern the gun, but observed hits on the back stop seem to indicate good grouping of the 00 pellets.
Question about taking off Safe and 1st Shot
Dec 23, 2015 · That said, I would not run a KSG in condition 1 for a patrol SG, for other reasons. Those of us trained on trigger-block safety Mossberg & Remington pump SG's back in the day would likely also not run them in condition 1 for patrol, & most likely also not for HD, however for a different reason than the one stated in your post.