kRPC2: Control the game using Python, C#, C++, Java, Lua...
Mar 13, 2023 · kRPC2 allows you to control Kerbal Space Program 2 from scripts running outside of the game, and comes with client libraries for many popular languages. This is a continuation of the kRPC mod for Kerbal Space Program 1 The mod is a very early work in progress, so don't expect much! Source code: h...
[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 …
Apr 18, 2014 · EDIT 2: Screenshots below. The first is a flag I have on the Mun's surface, the second is a map shot. Note that the first picture is a full on day-side (i.e. in full sunlight) shot. EDIT 2, part deux: Switched to imgur link. Javascript is disabled. View full …
Recommended Posts - Kerbal Space Program Forums
Jan 26, 2016 · kRPC allows you to control Kerbal Space Program from scripts running outside of the game. It has client libraries for many popular languages including C#, C++, C (for embedded systems), Java, Lua, Python and Ruby. For example, you could write programs to: Autopilot a ship into orbit, display dock...
[1.1.3] kIPC - Kerbal Space Program Forums
Posted July 2, 2016 (edited) So I finally started playing with the kOS mod a couple of months ago, and started writing a comprehensive maneuver planning library for it. This hit a brick wall pretty quickly when I tried to implement an interplanetary transfer planner in it using a Kerboscript port of Alexmoon's Transfer Window Planner and ...
Recommended Posts - Kerbal Space Program Forums
Feb 11, 2014 · The second switch is an 8-port GigE with a few broken ports due to storms. From the second switch, I run a very long wire up to the wifes office which hooks into another GigE switch (8 port) which then feeds her 2 computers, as well as a line out to the living room to a 5 port switch which feeds my PS3, TV, and Wii.
Page 2 - KSP2 Mod Development - Kerbal Space Program Forums
On 2/28/2025 at 8:43 PM, munix said: We will definitely try to tweak some things here and there and do some QoL improvements, but large-scale reworks of the UI are not currently planned, it would be a massive undertaking, since modifying existing UI is already quite difficult, and completely rewriting it from scratch would put us back months ...
Flight Computers - Kerbal Space Program Forums
Nov 17, 2018 · 2 hours ago, GregroxMun said: I'd like a scratch-like flight computer programming interface with a GUI similar to the Mission Builder. Then we could have lovely things like speed of light delay and life support and a meaningful Kerbal/Probe dichotomy.
[1.12.5] Aetherium [0.2.1] [16 Feb 2025] - Random Assortment of ...
Feb 16, 2025 · I installed the parallax 2.5 rescale, OPM, and Kcalbeloh patches. The only planets with issues seem to be OPM, they either look grainy or pixelated from the tracking station. Is there some parameter I can tweak to tell Parallax Continued to treat them as 2.5 scaled? The issue is more visible on the smaller bodies. Thanks Images:
[1.0.2] Firefly - Revamped Atmospheric Effects
Feb 6, 2025 · Firefly [1.0.2] for KSP 1.12.x. Image by Truthful. Hello! For the past few months, me and @mindseyemodels have been working on Firefly, a complete replacement for KSP's reentry and aerodynamic effects, and this is the post for it. This mod, as said above, completely replaces the stock effects with it's own system. It features:
TakeTwo has sold Private Division - Kerbal Space Program Forums
Nov 6, 2024 · Plus, interstellar and colonies are not confirmed. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it would have to contain these late-game elements for them to sell it as "KSP 3" to new buyers who were disappointed that KSP 2 didn't have these features. Edited November 7, …