KIMA CBS Yakima, Washington covers news, sports, weather and events in the area, including Terrace Heights, Yakima, Union Gap, Selah,Toppenish, Tieton, Naches, Wapato, Sunnyside, Prosser, Grandview, Ellensburg, Zillah, Kittitas, and Granger.
Yakima Local | News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News
KIMA CBS Yakima, Washington covers news, sports, weather and events in the area, including Terrace Heights, Yakima, Union Gap, Selah,Toppenish, Tieton, Naches, Wapato, Sunnyside, Prosser, Grandview, Ellensburg, Zillah, Kittitas, and Granger.
Yakima Weather | News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News
KIMA CBS Yakima, Washington covers news, sports, weather and events in the area, including Terrace Heights, Yakima, Union Gap, Selah,Toppenish, Tieton, Naches, Wapato, Sunnyside, Prosser, Grandview, Ellensburg, Zillah, Kittitas, and Granger.
Yakima Contact | News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News
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Kyle Curtis Selected as Chair of the Yakima County Commissioners
Dec 30, 2024 · YAKIMA COUNTY, Wash. — *UPDATE* 12/31/2024-- Action News spoke with Curtis, who said he wants to move forward initiatives he's been working on, which includes providing Spanish language accessibility at the courthouse, updating animal codes, and government efficiency when looking at budgets. He's hoping to make this kind of impact on …
Suspect in custody after shooting at police vehicles and crashing …
*Update*-- 10:15 p.m. 11/14/2024The Yakima Police Department has officially relea*Original story*YAKIMA, Wash.--A suspect is now in custody after a pursuit to
UPDATE: 4 dead in fatal crash, 3-year-old victim wasn't buckled
Mar 24, 2021 · GRANGER, Wash. -- Four people are dead, including a child after a head on wreck early Wednesday morning. State troopers on scene have confirmed a 4-year-old child was killed in the crash, and troopers say the young child wasn't buckled into a car seat. A 2-year-old was injured and taken to the hospital. According to Washington State Patrol Troopers, a car in …
Kittitas County family left to fix farmhouse fiasco after ... - KIMA
Dec 20, 2023 · KITTITAS COUNTY (KIMA)-- The German’s live along the plains of the Kittitas Valley. That is because of a gift they received from family members a few years ago. This family of six now found themselves in a farmhouse on a couple of acres of …
Alan Sillence Says His Final Goodbye - kimatv.com
Jan 10, 2025 · But, not without a big thanks to Kima station manager bob berry, my sports partner in crime for so long here, and good friend Ryan Rogers. As well as the outstanding production crew and engineering staff at Kima.
Former Sunnyside city manager Elizabeth Alba opens up after
Feb 20, 2024 · SUNNYSIDE, WA (KIMA)-- 24 years working for cities and school districts in the valley, Elizabeth Alba has gone from job to job with little time to breathe. Now, she free after being let go by the city of Sunnyside. "I was completely taken by surprise,” Alba said. "I …